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Updated: August 18, 2024

O'Fake was eminent for his attainments as a speaker, and well he knew it. A murmur of applause broke out as he stopped, but he stilled it with a majestic wave of the hand. "Sor," he continued, "I am wan av those which belaves that the managers nades a lesson. They nades to be towld, sor, that Frakes is not dogs. They have gone on in their coorse " At this point a shrill "Mr.

Use your reins, curb, and spurs," replied the boy. "True for you, corpril; a pull to stop, and a spur to go ahead. That's a language that nades no interpreter." For myself, I proposed to follow up the Navajos with the rest of the company as soon as they were fairly within the cañon, and I expected to capture them without blood-shed.

Oi would 'a' helped him jest the same afther that swap an' moore, fur he wuz good stuff, but he must nades shoot at me that noight as I come home wit the wad, so av coorse " "I wish ye had a Dog now," said the farmer in the new tone of a new subject; "tramps is a nuisance at all toimes, an' a Dog is the best med'cine for them.

The noise of the steamer grew louder and louder, until the boys rose from their seats and stared in surprise at the rapidly growing lights. "I really believe she is coming here," said Frank. "She is, or she nades a dale of space to turn in," observed Private Tom. Presently two tall smoke-stacks separated themselves from the darkness and appeared high above their heads.

Prawle wriggled. "I wudden' goo for to zay that, zurr 'tis an ugly word. Da-am!" he added, staring at his boots, "'twas thru me tu. We were along among the haythen, and I mus' nades goo for to break me leg. The capt'n he wudden' lave me.

They are willing to crane house. They want to get into the garage; they insist on washing the car. If they can't wash it they jist want to see if it nades washin'." Linda stood amazed. "And how long has this been going on, Katy?" she finally asked. "Well, I have had two good months of it," said Katy; "that is, it started two months ago.

So, turning a beguiling face toward the unsuspecting Michael beside her, she said: "You're a fine driver, aren't you, Michael?" "'T is experience ivery man nades; I've had me own," observed Michael, complacently. "It must be very hard to drive four horses at once."

If iver Oi nades a rickomindashun, yer noime will head the soobscripshun!" Oswald learned that in the vicinity of this arrest, Broadway was the dividing line between police precincts Nos. 1 and 2. Having been arrested on the east side of Broadway, the old man was taken to precinct station No. 1, or "Old Slip." Michael Patrick O'Brien was not a member of the regularly appointed city police force.

Harmon, to know if she was not satisfied with wan gutther-snoipe, that she must nades go and pick up another, and whether the new wan was going to be too good to take prisints of money for his worruk from the boarthers, and put all the rest of the help under the caumpliment of refusin' ut, or else demanin' themselves by takin' ut?

'Aw wirra wurra, if Tom'd only git a wife now." She wrung her hands and imitated old Granny Teeter's wail to perfection. "'Sure an' he nades a wife to tind to the chickens an' the pigs an' the turkeys the contrary little bastes that'll niver be stayin' at home, at all at all." The young men laughed, and John Coulson looked admiringly at her.

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