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Aw wonder how they can for shame' o' their face. A lot o' mee-mawing snickets! But they 're no better nor porritch, Robert, when they're looked up. 'Not a bit, Betty, not a bit! But I mun be off. Good neet to yo'. 'Good neet Robert, said Betty. An' away he went wi' th' cart up to th' Hollins." "Aw'll tell tho what, Skedlock," said Nanny; "that woman's a terrible tung!"

Do ye let me just bind mun up do ye now!" and she advanced. Eustace thrust her back. "No! better bear it, I deserve it devils! I deserve it! On board, or we shall all be lost William Cary is close behind me!"

Now, be deep and fause, mind thee! 'A'se deep an' fause enow wi' simple folk; but what can a do i' Donkin be as fause as me as happen he may be? 'Ga way wi' thee! I' Donkin be Solomon, thou mun be t' Queen o' Sheba; and I'se bound for to say she outwitted him at last!

"Now we'll go out and have some fun!" cried Russ, as they left the table. "Shall we make a snow man first, or a fort?" "A man!" cried Mun Bun. "A fort!" called Laddie. "Wait just a minute, all of you," said Mother Bunker. "I don't want any of you to go out just yet." "Oh!" "Oh, dear!" "Oh, Mother!" "Why?" Thus, one after another, cried some of the six little Bunkers.

That's what I came for t' ask yo'. I know I mun not stay theere, and Philip gone away; and I dunnot know what to do: and I'll do aught, only I must keep her wi' me. Whativer can I do, sir? Jeremiah thought it over for a minute or two. Then he replied, 'I must have time to think. I must talk it over with brother John. 'But you've given me yo'r word, sir! exclaimed she.

I'll be at Foster's in five minutes, for I reckon we mun hasten a bit now. It'll be near five o'clock. Sylvia hung her head and looked very demure as she walked off by herself to Foster's shop in the market-place. Foster's shop was the shop of Monkshaven. It was kept by two Quaker brothers, who were now old men; and their father had kept it before them; probably his father before that.

'I bid 'em begone, and each take a child with 'em, and to mind that they were orphans, and their mother a widow. It was who could do most, and the childer are sure of a bellyful to-day, and of kindness too. Does hoo know how he died? 'No, said Margaret; 'I could not tell her all at once. 'Hoo mun be told because of th' Inquest. See!

Accordingly, being seated on the bench, a cause came on, which the counsel, learned in the law, set forth to such advantage on the part of the plaintiff, that the Royal Judge thought he saw the justice of it so clearly, that he frequently cried out, "The gude man is i' the richt! the gude man is i' the richt! He mun hae it! he mun hae it!"

"Has it got honey in to make it sweet?" "No time for questions now," said Mother Bunker. "Save them until we get to Grandpa's." "I'm hungry!" wailed Margy. "I want something to eat!" "So do I!" added Mun Bun. "There's a lunch counter in this station," said Grandpa Ford. "If you want to we can get the children something to eat here, and perhaps we'd better, before we start on the long, cold drive.

He'd been sendin' th' children 'way as were clatterin' their clogs in th' causeway, for she were asleep. "'Is it thee? he says; 'but you're not to see her. I'll none have her wakened for a nowt like thee. She's goin' fast, and she mun go in peace. Thou 'lt never be good for naught i' th' world, and as long as thou lives thou'll never play the big fiddle.