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You see, if we were intending to only go ashore, they'd expect to see a fire burning somewhere. As it is, they'll be sure to think we've dropped down into the Radway, preferring to risk all sorts of danger from the rocks and snags there, rather than stay here another night." "Makes me think of Napoleon's retreat from Moscow," remarked Nat Smith in the other motorboat.

Why, I'll bring the first release of it to Woodbridge myself and show it in your headquarters. How'll that suit you fellows?" And the enthusiastic replies of the scouts convinced the "movie" manager that he had hit the right idea. "Well, fellows, there's this much about it, if we are going to build a real sure enough motorboat this year we've got to get a hustle on us and earn some money.

Thus did Bud Weir unburden his mind to the other boys of the Quarry Troop, sometimes called, because of their mechanical skill, the Boy Scout Engineers. All spring the scouts had been planning to build a motorboat to be used on Long Lake.

Earlier in the evening while he talked with his aunt he had remarked upon the great distinctness with which the putt-putt of a motorboat somewhere on the lake had carried. Now when a whip-poor-will flew to a nearby tree its rapid-fire call flung wide insistently: Whip'rweel, whip'rweel, whip'rweel, whip'rweel, whip'rweel, whip'rweel. . . .

Barby and Jan Miller had a way of making life somewhat frenzied, or at least less quiet than at present. The sound of a fast-moving motorboat intruded on the quiet and Rick cocked an ear. It was one of the Spindrift boats, judging by the sound. That meant Scotty was returning from the mainland with the groceries and the mail. Rick stood up and stretched luxuriously.

Take the wheel." The latter sprang aft with alacrity, while the first man leaned down and began to tinker with the engine. Frank took a quick step forward and seemed about to leap upon his captor, but the latter turned from the engine and a revolver was in his hand. "I wouldn't if I were you," he said quietly. Frank stepped back. "Oh, all right," he said. The little motorboat began to move.

He tested them, and, finding them firm, started the engine. A moment later the Ajax was moving over the waves under her own power. "Hurray!" cried Mr. Sneed. "This is great!" "And we don't need this any longer," Russ said, hauling in the drag anchor. Then, able to mount the waves, the motorboat was in much better condition for fighting the storm. On and on she rushed.

It was still before noon when they entered the bay and came to anchor in the midst of the motorboat fleet. The lads had Lord Hastings removed ashore immediately and listened to the diagnosis of the surgeon with bated breath. "Nothing serious," said the surgeon, much to the lads' relief. "He's been knocked unconscious in some way. Something must have struck him a hard blow across the head.

At this moment the occupants of the craft ahead realized that they were pursued. The boat bounded ahead with a sudden burst of speed. "It must be they," declared Lord Hastings. "If they were not here for some ulterior purpose they wouldn't run." He signalled full speed ahead and the motorboat sprang forward. "Shall I have a shot at them?" shouted Jack. "Not yet," replied Lord Hastings.

One of them noticed that a skiff was coming up from Fort Pillow Landing, and fifteen minutes later Terabon was talking to Despard on the snag to one prong of which was fastened the line of Carline's motorboat. "I was wondering where I'd see you again," Terabon said. "Didn't have a chance at New Madrid, saw you was in business, so I didn't follow up none."