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When the Speedwell, being on the outside, started to "popping," and then moved off, there was a cheer from fully five score of throats; and counting the girls who had also come down to see the beginning of the motorboat cruise, there must have been nearly double that number on the bank.

There came a shout from the shore. With a quick glance over her shoulder Lucile took in the situation. "We'll make it," she breathed. "Pull hard. They're a long way off." Moments seemed hours as they strained at the oars, but at last they bumped the side of the motorboat and the next second found themselves on board. Marian clung to the tiller of the rowboat while she swung round to the wheel.

For possibly half an hour the motorboat continued its terrific speed; and then it slowed down abruptly. The two boys heard Lord Hastings call them. They felt their way to where he stood by the wheel, for it was impossible to see. "Here," said their commander, "take this searchlight and flash it ahead. See if you can pick up anything."

Pertell turned back and called: "Oh, I believe I forgot to tell you people, but we are also to have a motorboat in connection with the Mary Ellen. A big, powerful gasoline craft, she is, called the Ajax. She'll follow us, part of the time, for some of the pictures have to be taken from a distance, as she trails along at the stern. We'll have plenty of time for rehearsal, though."

She met him on the dock as he left the S. R. & N. motorboat and led him directly to the house. Natalie went straight to the point. "I'm in dreadful trouble," she said, "and I sent for you to tell you that I had no idea of betraying confidences." Dan uttered some inane platitude, but his eyes lighted with relief.

The boys brought over a part of their own provisions, when they arrived in the bigger motorboat soon after sun-up. Purt Sweet was the only boy who did not have a smile on; he looked gloomy indeed. "What's the matter?" asked Jess. "Surely he isn't afraid of the Barnacle, is he?" queried Dora. "Don't bother about him," said Dorothy. "He's tied up, anyway, so as not to follow us."

Paul still had his shotgun, and had of course made sure to bring it from the motorboat when he led his column of burden-bearers trailing through the timber and rocks to that little sink in which the new camp had been pitched. It had served him often and well, and he was accustomed to placing the utmost confidence in the trusty little weapon.

The storm which at that moment was enveloping the Mary Ellen was, at the same time, buffeting about the smaller motorboat. When she lost headway by the stopping of her engine she no longer took the seas head, or bow, on. She fell into the trough, and was in imminent danger of being swamped. "We've got to bring her up, the first thing we do," Russ decided. "What we need is a drag anchor.

He hoisted in the anchor, rowed in a skiff out to the motorboat, and swung wide in the eddy to run out to the river current. There was a good deal of work to the task, and it was afternoon before the fleet reached the main stream.

Bill recollected it with peculiar vividness on account of the peculiar shape of its propeller, which he could see through the crate that surrounded it when it was hoisted on board. He had asked the manufacturer's representative, who had superintended the loading of the motorboat at Bath, why the wheel was shaped in such a queer way.