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The couple now approached Shafto and his companion, FitzGerald, rather warm, mopping his good-looking face, Miss Bliss, tripping airily beside him, in an exquisite green toilet, still as always talking. "Only think he has got to go!" she announced with a dramatic gesture, halting in front of Sophy as she spoke. "Isn't it too too awfully provoking?

"We've done it now, squire," said the captain, turning to Brace and mopping his face with a handkerchief he took out of the crown of his straw hat. "Done it?" "Yes; here we are, wrecked and set fast in the bed of the river." "But I suppose we shall only remain here for an hour or two." "Or for a year or two, or altogether, my lad.

"Ah, to be sure; and a valuable one, 'a b'lieve." "Beds be dear to fokes that don't keep geese, bain't they, Mister Fairway?" said Christian, as to an omniscient being. "Yes," said the furze-dealer, standing up, giving his forehead a thorough mopping, and handing the beeswax to Humphrey, who succeeded at the rubbing forthwith.

"You don't look very well," Flora cautiously admitted. "Why, Ella, you've been crying!" "Yes, I've been crying," said Ella, mopping her nose, which still showed a tendency to distil a tear at its tip. "And it's perfectly awful to me to think you've been living so long in the same house with her." Flora murmured breathlessly, "What in the world do you mean?"

Again the witness hesitated in the effort at recollection. "No, sir," he answered finally. "Her words, I think, were, 'Is Mr. Holladay engaged at present?" "It was Miss Holladay's voice?" "I could not say, sir," answered the witness, again mopping the perspiration from his forehead. "I have no wish to incriminate Miss Holladay unnecessarily.

"You seem to feel the heat more than I do," she answered, demurely, which was true, for she looked as cool as a cucumber and as comfortable as a mouse in a cheese, while I was mopping my face every other minute with my handkerchief. When we reached the picnic grounds she offered to hold the reins while I got out.

I certainly am not here to frighten you; but you ought to know what he said " "I can't be easy anywhere, Monsieur Chaperon, not even among these rocks, and I'm sure I don't want to know anything that is going on in another world." "Then I will leave you, monsieur; I did not take this hot walk for pleasure," said the abbe, mopping his forehead. "Well, what do you want to say?" demanded Minoret.

Margaret stood upright, turned quickly, and crossed the room to the door, mopping her face with a towel. 'Who is it? she asked in an anxious tone. 'I'm Griggs, said a deep voice. 'Come at once, if you can, for the poor girl cannot last long. 'One minute! Don't go away I'm coming out. Alphonsine never lost her head. A theatrical dresser who does is of no use.

"Not being a natural-born, one-eyed fool," replied Uncle Gutton, glaring at the unabashed Minikin, "she did not. 'I'm not a duke, I says, and she had sense enough to know as I was talking sarcastic like. 'I'm not offering you a life of luxury and ease. I'm offering you myself, just what you see, and nothing more. "She took it?" asked Minikin, who was mopping up his gravy with his bread.

She didn't, for, to my immense relief, as I sat staring at the fuchsia hedge that screened the approach to the house, I saw a black clerical hat bobbing along, and got a glimpse of a red face. "There's a parson coming here," I remarked inanely, and Mary started up, mopping her eyes with her ridiculous little handkerchief. "Goodness!