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He would flee from one spot to another, like the lightning. He was disobedient, though not evil. Ram Dass knew him as if he were his child, and Ram Dass he would sometimes obey, but not always. If Missee Sahib would permit Ram Dass, he himself could cross the roof to her room, enter the windows, and regain the unworthy little animal.

His bark of welcome brought Ah Lee from the back of the house. "Missee not velly well, me thinkee," he observed. "Is Missy ill? Where is Mr. Young, then?" "He go two hours ago to Uppey Valley. Missee not sick then." "Is she in her room?" asked Clover. "Tie Marigold in the shade, please, and I will go in and see her." "All litee."

"Lilly missee," crooned the Chinaman, smiling up into the other's face with a sort of childish entreaty. "Lilly missee." "Oh," said Mr. Camber in a changed voice. "Oh." He stood very upright for a moment, his gaze set upon the wrinkled Chinese face. Then he looked at Mrs. Wootton and bowed, and looked at me and bowed, very stiffly. "I must excuse myself, sir," he announced.

William says Dong Ling went to Pete, however, after we left, and told him he wanted to go; that he liked the little Missee plenty well, but that there'd be too much hen-talk when she got back, and " "Why, the impudent creature!" Billy laughed merrily. "Yes; Pete was furious, William says, but Dong Ling didn't mean any disrespect, I'm sure.

'Spect now dese yere growed in Missee Hazel's own greenhouse, he said, tauntingly, 'seein' she ain't got none! Shouldn't wonder if dey started up spontanous like, arter de shower. How you tink, Mas' Gotham, hey? But Gotham was virtuously indignant. 'Miss 'Azel'll get her head worse turned than it h'is now, he said. 'Heads does turn, fact, said Dingee, shaking his own.

He can find the wherewithalls to pay for lawyer's parchment, says you But mind, that's a nether here nor there So a here Missee stands I, says you; I and my honest old father A's got the marygolds, says you! The gilly flowers, the yellow boys, says you! Golore! But that's a nether here nor there. So do you tell her all a that I bid ee, and a mind your pees and cues.

But Chinamen to Trotty were fearsome bogies, corresponding to the swart-faced, white-eyed chimney-sweeps of the English nursery. She hid behind her aunt, holding fast to the latter's skirts, and only stealing an occasional peep from one saucer-like blue eye. "Thank you, John. Me takee chowchow for lilly missee," said Polly, who had experience in disposing of such savoury morsels.

"De tent for de missee," said a black, Quambo by name, who acted as under-butler to old Martin, coming forward. "Dey rest dere till de carriages come if dey like."

She durst not go beyond her door, for she heard men's tones, suppressed and gruff, but presently there was a knock, and wonder of wonders, she beheld Hans, black Hans, showing all his white teeth in a broad grin, and telling her that Missee Anne's breakfast was ready.

Simon repeated, in accents of incredulity. "Me savvy 'Clyde. Him big man-horse hyas skookum man-horse. Him mammook plow, mammook haul wagon!" "You hyas damfool Injun!" said his host politely. "Missee Clyde Chlistian gal's name, catchum in Chlistian Bible; all same Swede Annie, all same Spokane Sue, all same Po'tland Lily." Simon digested this information with preternatural gravity.