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As Mrs Penhaligon observed to her daughter "You kept warnin' me he'd be a handful, messin' about an' unpackin' things as soon as they was packed. Whereas if he'd been his own father, he couldn' ha' been more considerate in keepin' out o' the way. 'Tis wonderful how their tender intellec's turn steady when there's trouble in the family." "But there isn't." "Well, you know what I mean.

I'm gettin tired o this messin about business. "'Beg pardon, my lord, says I, 'but what are we to ave for our trouble, when we ave took it? "'Why, says he, very pleasant, 'if you're good, Friend George, when the job's done, per-raps, says he, 'per-raps I'll give you a lift back to France in my lugger layin on the beach there. "'Our lugger, sure-ly, my lord, says I.

Mostly he tells me about his son, who's livin' out in California somewhere and is just branchin' out in the cement block buildin' business. Son is messin' in politics more or less too; mixin' it up with the machine, and gettin' the short end of the returns every trip.

At midnight the hunters rode forth again in pairs into the crisp, brilliant air and under the kindly moon, Mavis jogging along beside Jason on Marjorie's pony, for Marjorie would not have it otherwise. No wonder that Mavis loved the land. "I jerked the gal outen the way," explained Jason, "'cause she was a gal an' had no business messin' with men folks."

Warn’t gwine pesta wid ’em?” administering a cuff on the ear of the too communicative Betsy, that sent her sprawling across the table. “T’inks I’se gwine pesta wid you does you? Messin’ roun’ heah in de kitchin’ an’ ain’t tu’ned down a bed or drawed a bah, or done a lick o’ yo’ night wurk yit.”

Then, melting into affection, 'Neaw, honey, be raysonable, an' I'st just run round t' corner, an' cook you up a bit o' meat for your supper. Yo git no strength eawt i' them messin things yo eat. Theer's nowt but wind in em. But not even the heterodox diet with which, every now and then, Dora for peace' sake allowed herself to be fed, behind Daddy's back, put any colour into her cheeks.

Do 'e want to send me mad? Do 'e want to make me hate the sight of 'e? Go go for love of your mother, if not of me!" "An' I'll help," said Billy, "an' that chap messin' about in the yard can lend a hand likewise. I be a cracked vessel myself for strength, an' past heavy work, but my best is yours to call 'pon in this pass."

The tone in which the word was voiced gave it all the effect of having been shouted from the housetops. A dark ruffled head and two frightened eyes appeared above the dimity spread. "What are you layin' on your good bed in the daytime for, messin' up the feathers, and dirtyin' the comforter with your dusty boots?" Rebecca rose guiltily. There seemed no excuse to make.

Bragin, sez I, very cool; ''tis not for me to interfere wid your a-moors; but you might manage some things wid more dacincy. I'm off to canteen', I sez. "I turned on my heel an' wint away, swearin' I wud give that man a dhressin' that wud shtop him messin' about the Married Quarters for a month an' a week.

It'll save messin' things up to reach a bargain before they come." "The first man that tries to come aboard " began Trask. "You can't kill 'em all," said Jarrow, grinning. "Oh, it's cheap at the price. You'll find it a lot more comfortable to see this thing the way it lays. You shoot me, and it's all off with ye.