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Lindsay, in abstract Calvinism, that dissatisfies and distresses me; and yet, I must confess, there is so much of good in the working of the system, that I would ill like to see it supplanted by any other. I am convinced, for instance, there is nothing so efficient in teaching the bulk of a people to think as a Calvinistic church." "Ah, Robert," said my aunt, "it does meikle mair nor that.

Several bays, harbours, rivers, and islands were discovered and named; the country between Meikle and Orangerie Bays, together with that lying at the back of Kerepunu was explored, and the entire coast line from Keppel Point to McFarlane Harbour, traversed on foot.

She sent her coachman on horseback to overtake them, which he did at Kilmarnock, and they returned in the morning, when her ladyship was as cagey and meikle taken up with them as if they had gotten her full consent and privilege from the first. Captain Macadam afterwards bought a house at the Braehead, and gave it, with a judicious income, to Mrs.

It is eith till, that the awn self will. It is good mows that fills the wemb. It is na time to stoup when the head is off. It is fair in the hall, when beards wag all. It will come in an hour, that will not come in a year. If thou do no ill, do no ill like. If he steal not my kail, break not my dike. If he may spend meikle, put the more to the fire.

I came to the Fair without any thought o' either buying or selling but just to see you, Diana and I kenned there wasna meikle siller necessary for that. 'Losh, Walter, man, said I, 'but that is a pity and ye say ye could mak cent. per cent. by the beasts? ''Deed could I, quoth he 'I am sure o' that.

The meeting between the countrymen was cordial and even affecting. "Thou art a singular youth," said Crawford, stroking the head of young Durward, as a grandsire might do that of his descendant. "Certes, you have had as meikle good fortune as if you had been born with a lucky hood on your head."

And so saying, she hastened down the track she was going, and we continued on the spot to wait her return. "Ringan," said Mr Witherspoon to me, "I fear there's owre meikle truth in what she says concerning the state of religion, not only here, but among all the commonality of the land.

Ane Begger is wae, another by the gate gae. A wight man never wanted a weapon. A half-penny Cat may look to the King. As fair greits the bairn that is dung after noon, as he that is dung before noon. An oleit Mother makes a fweir Daughter. A borrowed len should come laughing ahme. As long runs the Fox as he hath feet. A proud heart in a poor breast, has meikle dolour to dree.

Men are blind in their own cause. Musle not the Oxens mouth. Many words would have meikle drink. Many man speirs the gate he kens full well. Man propones, but God dispones. Millers take ay the best Multar with their own Hand. Many man serves a thanklesse master. Mustard after meat. Many words fills not the furlot. Meikle Head, little Wit. Many Aunts, many Eames, many kin, and few friends.

"Then when ye have earned it, ye can pay back all you have stolen, forbye having four pounds left for a nest-egg to start again wi'. I dinna often treat mysel' to such a bit o' charity as this, and, 'deed, if I get na mair thanks fra heaven, than I seem like to get fra you, there 'ud be meikle use in it," for Alexander Semple had heard the proposal with a dour and thankless face, far from encouraging to the good man who made it.