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I demand in the interests of justice that the contract be awarded to the lowest risponsible bidder who is ready to sign the contract with proper bonds, whether that bidder is Grogan, McGaw, Jones, Robinson, or Smith." There was a burst of applause and great stamping of feet; the tide of sympathy had changed. Rowan had perhaps won a few more votes.

As the minute-hand neared the hour of nine Dempsey became uneasy. He started every time a new-comer mounted the stairs. Where was McGaw? No one had seen him since he swallowed the tumblerful of whiskey and disappeared from O'Leary's, a few hours before.

The voice seemed to come from his stomach, it was so hollow. "Did you see her, Mr. McGaw?" asked the Scotchman in a positive tone. "How c'u'd I be a-seein' her whin I been in New Yorruk 'mos' all day? D' ye think I'm runnin' roun' to ivery stable in the place? I wuz a-comin' 'cross lots whin I heared it. They says the horse had blin' staggers."

Moreover, she had apparently given up the fight, for she had bid on no work of any kind since the morning she had called upon Schwartz and told him, in her blunt, frank way, "Give the work to McGaw at me price. It's enough and fair." Tom, meanwhile, made frequent visits to New York, returning late at night.

He not only hated Cully, but the whole Grogan household, for the pounding he had received at his hands, so he was anxious to get even in some way. After McGaw had locked both doors, shutting out his wife and little Jack, their youngest, he took a bottle from the shelf, filled two half-tumblers, and squaring himself in his chair, said: "Did ye see her, Crimmy?"

What it had done was to kill Grogan as a competitor, and knock her non-union men out of the job. This ended its duty. While they said this much to McGaw; so far as outsiders could know, the Union claimed that they had scored a brilliant victory.

She directed every boat-load herself, and rushed the materials to the shovelers, who stood soaking wet in the driving rain. Lathers avoided her; so did McGaw. Everybody else watched her in admiration.

As she listened to his description of McGaw when her bid dropped on the table "Lookin' like he'd eat sumpin' he couldn't swaller see?" her face was radiant, and her sides shook with laughter. She had counted upon McGaw falling into her trap, and she was delighted over the success of her experiment. Tom had once before caught him raising a bid when he discovered that but one had been offered.

Daniel McGaw, who by this direct interposition of Providence is foorced into the position of being compelled to assert his rights befoore your honorable body, with full assurance that there is no tribunal in the land to which he could apply which would lend a more willing ear." It was this sort of thing that made Rowan popular.

Then the two forced their way out again, reentered the post-office, and borrowed a pen. Once there, McGaw took from his side pocket two large envelopes, the contents of which he spread out under the light. "I'm dead roight," said McGaw. "I'll put up the price of this other bid. There ain't a man round here that dares show his head. The Union's fixed 'em."