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"My dear sir, you couldn't do them an ounce of good, for they're long past the reach of all human aid!" replied the lieutenant, while he gave a helping hand to Corporal Macan to lift up the still unconscious Spaniard whom we had rescued, the sole survivor, so far as we knew, of all those who had perhaps started gaily enough on their disastrous voyage in the now dismantled and water-logged barque.

"Faith an' sure ye're awake at last!" exclaimed Corporal Macan when I opened my eyes, a minute or so after this, as I thought. "How d'ye fale now, sor?" "Hullo!" said I, raising my head and looking round me in astonishment. "Where am I?"

"It is surely not " said Lucy, hesitating at the name. "Your aunt, Miss Judy Macan, no more than the Rev. Peter Nolan, I assure you; though, I confess, it has cost me much more to personate the latter character than the former, and the reward by no means so tempting."

Presently, the effects of the brandy told upon the poor fellow and he sprang suddenly to his feet by a sort of spasmodic effort, knocking Corporal Macan backwards into the water which was washing about the deck around us as he stood up. "Ah los marineros cobardes!" he cried. "Vamos printo, hascia abajo!" "Hullo, Vernon," said Mr Jellaby. "What's he talking about now, eh?"

"Begorrah, it's moighty little onyone ivver does mind what ye says at all, at all!" With which doubtful compliment, capable of a double construction, Corporal Macan marched on in front of me, holding his head very erect and with a broad grin on his face, as if conscious of carrying off the honours of the war, towards Dr Nettleby's sanctum on the main deck.

"He's bin taking a dip in the say, sir, wid all his clothes on," explained Macan; "an' faith he's got a bit damp, sir." "Damp, you call it, corporal? Why, he's dripping wet and chilled to the bone!" cried the doctor, feeling my pulse. "How did this come about, youngster?" "It was an accident, sir," I replied hesitatingly, not wishing to incriminate my messmates.

He had committed many other crimes, murders, and thefts, on the Portuguese and other nations, who were obliged to pass his coasts in their trading with, and voyages to, China, Macan, Xapon, and other kingdoms, concerning all of which sufficient testimony had been given.

Presently she heard the Widow Macan walking up from the garden with the last pail on her head, who stopped when she saw her, and set down the vessel upon the corner of the clumsy little balustrade by the door-step. So Moggy declared her uneasiness, which waxed greater when Mrs. Macan told her that 'the masther, God bless him, wasn't in the garden.

Among other contributors to this subject are Avery, Boncour, Brown, Ware, Wrangell, Young, Nettekoven, Martin, Macan, Leopold, Hecker, Gunther, and Friedinger. His own case was observed this year in Wilna. The patient was a primipara aged twenty. The last period was seen on May 10, 1894. On February 19th the fetal movements suddenly ceased. On the 20th pains set in about two weeks before term.

"To be sure; give me a call to-morrow, let me see, about two. Father Magrath won't be at home," said she, with a coquettish look. "Where, pray, may I pay my respects?" "No. 22 South Anne Street, very respectable lodgings. I'll write the address in your pocket-book." Power produced a card and pencil, while Miss Macan wrote a few lines, saying, as she handed it: