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The old rascal assumed an air of great astonishment. "Whut, er man bodder er lady dat he lubs?" "Didn't I tole you you couldn't lub me?" "Couldn't lub you? Ain't you been er savin' yo' money all deze years, an' ef er man kain't lub er lady dat's been er savin' her money, who kin he lub?" She gave him a look of contempt. "Oh, I knowd dar wuz er bug in de milk pan.

"Katie," said Ishmael gently, "you would not like to be taken from the courtroom, would you?" "No! 'cause I don't want to be parted from my lordship. I lubs him so well!" replied Katie, with a vindictive snap of her eyes. "Then you must be silent," said Ishmael, "or you will be sent away."

"'No, no! sezee, 'I wouldn' 'spec' ter be 'vited ter de weddin', a common, low-down fiel'-han' lak I is. But I's glad ter heah you en Jeff is gittin' 'long so well. I didn' knowed but w'at he had 'mence' ter be a little ti'ed. "'Ti'ed er me? Dat's rediklus! sez Chloe. 'W'y, dat nigger lubs me so I b'liebe he'd go th'oo fier en water fer me. Dat nigger is des wrop' up in me.

For the moment her face was lowering and threatening then it changed again to the same wrinkled Sphynx as before. "Nebber mind you is my boy, an I lubs you, an so you 'sult de ole woman widout de Obi payin' you for it! Call it 'dose, then, honey many's de dose dat dese hans have mixed, dat has made de coffin-maker hab somefin to do and sent de property where it belonged."

"Quashy, my b'lubbed, I expecs you is," replied Susan, simply, passing her black fingers through her lover's very curly locks. "O Sooz'n, how I lubs you! I know'd I'd find you. I always said it. I always t'ought it, an' now I's dood it." "Das so," returned Susan, with a bashfully pleased look. "I always know'd it too.

And, anyhow, she sat down on the tail of Splash, so it was like a cushion, only, of course, he could not wag it until Flossie got up. "Oh, chilluns! how glad I is t' see yo' all!" cried Dinah, trying to hug all four of them at once. "And here's Laddie," said Flossie. "Aren't you glad to see him?" "Co'se I is, chile! I lubs yo' all!" and she hugged Laddie, too.

Song after song they poured forth, the substance of which was summed up in one line that Thyrsis happened to carry away with him "Ah lubs you, mah honey, yes, Ah do!" It seemed to him such a curious and striking commentary upon the stage which leisure-class culture had reached, in the course of its reversion to savagery. Section 10.

I knows it by de pig-sty close 'longside whar' de big grumper sow libs, dat Ziffa's so fond o' playin' wid. Ho! "You see de small leetil house. Dat's it. Dat's whar' Ziffa lubs to play, but she'll hab you to play wid soon, an' den she'll forsake de ole sow. Ho! but I forgit you no understan' English."

"Poor people, dey know no better," observed Timbo; for, with the privilege of an old servant, he did not scruple to join in our conversation at all times. "I go and talk to dem and tell dem better t'ings. I tell dem dat dere is one God who lubs dem, and when dey are ill dat dey pray to him. Dat he hear dem, when de fetish hab no ears to hear, and no way to do dem good."

"Oh, you remember more than the rest of us have forgotten!" cried her auntie, catching the child's chubby arm and shaking little trills of merriment out of her, at which the young father exclaimed with mock savagery. "Will you never leave that child alone, Gypsy? You're always squeezing or pinching her." "But I lubs her so!" with a shower of pats and punchings. "I could eat her up."