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Updated: August 11, 2024

I was plum fo'ced ter do hit by a low-lived feller thet hed done got me whar he wanted me a feller thet bull-dozed an' dogged me an' didn't suffer me ter call my soul my own a feller thet I hates an' dreads like I don't nuver expect ter hate Satan in hell!" The informer broke off there and stood a pitiable picture of rage and cowardice, shaken with tearless sobs of unwonted emotion.

But whatever happens, she shall chuse better company than such low-lived fellows as he. 'Low-lived, my dear, do you call him, cried I, 'it is very possible we may mistake this man's character: for he seems upon some occasions the most finished gentleman I ever knew.

"You understand what you came butting in upon, don't you?" "I took it to be a rehearsal of a melodrama, crudely conceived and very poorly played." "Say, you use pretty big words for a low-lived iceman." "State your business with me if you have any," Farr reminded him. "I have something else to do besides swap talk with a drunken man and your breath is very offensive."

And what I know of the breed of your friend Kish Taka, they're a pretty low-lived bunch and there'd be precious little harm done if they killed each other. But Alan shook his head. 'Kish Taka is a pretty deep shade of dark on the outside, but he's white clean through under the hide of him.

The red-headed man knew that he had lost the day when he caught her first scornful glance. "God pity the old folks of him an' their house," muttered the sharp-witted wife to Mike, as she looked at the low-lived scheming fellow whom she suspected of treachery.

"I don't want to hear any more of such low-lived tricks," interposed the magnificent conspirator. "If you want to pipe to mischief, let us do it like men." "What would you do? Fifty of the fellows, at least, will go into anything to punish Lowington for his tyranny." "Join the Chain, then," said Shuffles, in a whisper, and with a suitable parade of mystery. "The what?" "The Chain."

"Thank heaven, we're free men once more!" exclaimed one of the poor fellows. "But where is that lieutenant that captured us?" "He's my prisoner," answered Frank. "Here you are, you thunderin', low-lived secesh!" exclaimed the man, who had not yet spoken, as he walked up to the rebel, and laid his hand on his shoulder. "I've a mind to stop your wind for you, you mean"

"I realize that if I had a husband instead of a jellyfish I shouldn't have to talk. Be still, you!" A third voice made itself heard. "All right," it growled. "I ain't anxious to stay here any longer than is necessary. Bein' an honest, decent man, I'm ashamed to be seen here as it is. But you can tell that low-lived sneak, Ros Paine, that " I opened the door.

"How ridiculous!" muttered the stranger, just loud enough for Ruby to hear. "Who is this absurd person?" Jim Lewarne answered "A low-lived chap, mister, as saved your skin awhile back." "Dear, dear how unpardonable of me! I hadn't, the least idea at this distance. Excuse me, I must go and thank him at once." He moved towards the hedge with a brisk step that seemed to cost him some pain.

And when, after Kenelm appeared at Exmundham, while Travers was staying there, Travers learned, I suppose from Lady Chillingly, that Kenelm had fallen in love with and wanted to marry some other girl, who it seems rejected him; and still more when he heard that Kenelm had been subsequently travelling on the Continent in company with a low-lived fellow, the drunken, riotous son of a farrier, you may well conceive how so polished and sensible a man as Leopold Travers would dislike the idea of giving his daughter to one so little likely to make an agreeable son-in-law.

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