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Linford, if I could only believe in Christian dogma as I believe in you as a man! You know, she's such a painfully emotional, impulsive creature, and then Colonel Godwin who stood by had to have his joke: 'The symbol will serve you for worship, Madam! he says; 'I'm sure no woman's soul would ever be lost if all clergymen were as good to look upon as our friend here! Those things always make me feel so awkward they are said so bluntly but what could I do?"

"More of the same will be brought in. Prices will drop. Archeological Survey has a buying service for museums back home. I've been working for them for a month. I don't claim to love them entirely, but they'll give you the safest break. You should get enough, for your purposes, without the camera. With a load like this, you can see Doc Linford, the boss, any time." "Right now, then," Frank said.

Other mill-owners then began to examine their chimneys, and for many weeks Barford folk had talked of little else than the danger of living in the shadows of these great masses of masonry. But there had soon been something else to talk of. It sprang out of the accident and it was of particular interest to persons who, like Linford Pratt, were of the legal profession.

Then, as her hand was at the door, while the silken rustling of that hurried disentanglement was in her ears, the voice of Wyeth sounded remotely from the rear of the house. It seemed to come from far back in the library, removed from them by the length of the double drawing-rooms a comfortable, smooth, high-pitched voice lazy, drawling "Oh, Linford!" Linford!

The sermon by its able and handsome young rector, the Reverend Dr. Linford, was fraught with vital interest to every thinking man. The Resurrection he declares to be a fact as well attested as the Brooklyn Bridge is to thousands who have never seen it yet who are convinced of its existence upon the testimony of those who have.

As I say, he's a smart chap." Collingwood offered no comment. But he was conscious that it would not be at all pleasing to him to know that Linford Pratt held any official position at Normandale. Foolish as it might be, mere inspiration though it probably was, he could not get over his impression that Eldrick's clerk was not precisely trustworthy.

On the end of one of the ridges of Charnwood, just where it is sinking down to the level of the surrounding country, stands Bradgate House. The surrounding park is quite wild and bare, but there are fine old oaks in the lower portions. From the ancient house a beautiful dell, called the Happy Valley, leads to the neighboring village of Newtown Linford.

Mallathorpe has done? Hang it, she must be out of her senses, or or there's something I can't fathom. She's given your clerk, Linford Pratt, a power of attorney to deal with all her affairs and all her property! Oh, it's all right, I tell you! Pratt's been to my office, and exhibited it to me as if as if he were the Lord Chancellor!"

"With time and patience," said Talleyrand, "the mulberry leaf is turned into satin." This seemed to Linford Pratt one of the finest and soundest pieces of wisdom which he had ever known put into words. A mulberry leaf is a very insignificant thing, but a piece of satin is a highly marketable commodity, with money in it.

There she might wander and wonder endlessly among the echoes and the half-seen faces, but never could she come forth; over the threshold there could pass only the wife of Allan Linford. Quick upon this realisation came a sharp fear of the man beside her a fear born of his hand's hold upon hers when they had met. She shrank under the memory of it, with a sudden instinct of the hunted.