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Updated: August 29, 2024

Since then you have known but war. As I look into your faces, I see the scar of many a wound; but more than the wounds I see are the wounds I do not see: of the body as well as of the spirit the lacerations of sorrow, the strokes of bereavement. So that perhaps not one of you here but bears some brave visible or invisible sin of this awful past and of his share in the common strife.

The remains had been only partly eaten, and were of an animal of the mustang build that had evidently been recently killed. Frightful lacerations under the throat showed where a lion had taken fatal hold. Deep furrows in the ground proved how the mustang had sunk his hoofs, reared and shaken himself.

It had, however, broad maculations of bluish black, obviously caused by extravasated blood from contusions. The chest and sides looked as if they had been beaten with a bludgeon. There were dreadful lacerations; the skin was torn in strips and shreds.

The medical examination disclosed a broken bone and severe bruises and lacerations. So far, Dermody's sufferings were easy of relief. But, after a lapse of time, symptoms appeared in the patient which revealed to his medical attendant the presence of serious internal injury. In the doctor's opinion, he could never hope to resume the active habits of his life.

I succeed in raising my face, and the wet waves of space assail my eyes. Patiently I pick out of the earthy pallor which blends all things some foggy shoulders, some cloudy angles of elbows, some hand-like lacerations. I discern in the still circle which encloses me faces lying on the ground and dirty as feet, faces held out to the rain like vases, and holding stagnant tears.

His pale features wore a mild and placid expression, evincing that the numberless lacerations and bruises, which were evident through his tom uniform, had been inflicted on a breathless corpse. The stuhl wagen had carried on for a mile farther or so, but the firing seemed to approximate, whereupon our host sung out, "Fahrt Zu, Schwager Wir Kommen nicht weiter."

One quick, sharp stroke by the Indian who wields the hatchet and the finger drops from the hand a sacrifice to a fanatic's zeal. No bandages are applied to the fingers, nor are any arteries taken up; in fact, no attention whatever of a surgical character is paid to the wounds, lacerations, and bruises. They are left for the "Great Spirit to cure."

The portions discharged are preserved in the Milan Hospital. In the last century Plazzoni reports a case of vaginal rupture occurring during coitus. Green of Boston; Mann of Buffalo; Sinclair and Munro of Boston, all mention lacerations occurring during coitus. There is an instance recorded of extensive laceration of the vagina in a woman, the result of coitus with a large dog.

The wet young beeches were undergoing amputations, bruises, cripplings, and harsh lacerations, from which the wasting sap would bleed for many a day to come, and which would leave scars visible till the day of their burning. Each stem was wrenched at the root, where it moved like a bone in its socket, and at every onset of the gale convulsive sounds came from the branches, as if pain were felt.

This mode of treatment is particularly useful in cases of punctured and lacerated wounds from various instruments, such as needles, nails, hooks, bayonets, saws, &c. and in the bites of animals, leech-bites, stings of insects, &c. In considerable lacerations the same objection would exist to this treatment as in large ulcers.

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