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It is this: that, while he was able to go down to the simple and grand realities of human nature, which are all tragic; and while, therefore, he must rejoice most in such contemplations of human nature as find fit outlet in a "Hamlet," a "Lear," a "Timon," or an "Othello," the tragedies of Doubt, Ingratitude, and Love, he can yet, when he chooses, float on the very surface of human nature, as in "Love's Labour's Lost," "The Merry Wives of Windsor," "The Comedy of Errors," "The Taming of the Shrew;" or he can descend half way as it were, and there remain suspended in the characters and feelings of ordinary nice people, who, interesting enough to meet in society, have neither received that development, nor are placed in those circumstances, which admit of the highest and simplest poetic treatment.

Aih, Francie, I doobt something a heap waur 'll hae to come upo' ye! A' my labour's lost, and I dearly grudge it no the labour, but the loss o' 't! I grudge that sair. 'Kirsty, i' the name o' God, wha is my neebour? 'Yer ain mither. 'My ain mither! her oot o' a' the warl'? I never cam upo' spark o' rizzon intil her!

The play is in the main a yet lighter thing, and more wayward and capricious in build, more formless and fantastic in plot, more incomposite altogether than that first heir of Shakespeare's comic invention, which on its own ground is perfect in its consistency, blameless in composition and coherence; while in Love's Labour's Lost the fancy for the most part runs wild as the wind, and the structure of the story is as that of a house of clouds which the wind builds and unbuilds at pleasure.

He had never looked at the play of late years. It was 'Love's Labour's Lost. 'You had better read it for yourself, he said, 'and do the best you can. During the morning Somerset junior found time to refresh his memory of the play, and afterwards went and hunted up materials for designs to suit the same, which occupied his spare hours for the next three days.

In the same way opium raised into the region of brilliant vision that passage of Purchas which Coleridge was reading before he dreamed Kubla Khan. But in Tennyson the effects were deliberately sought and secured. One might conjecture, though Lord Tennyson says nothing on the subject, that among the suggestions for The Princess was the opening of Love's Labour's Lost.

'Our court shall be a little Academe, Still and contemplative in living Art. 'What is the end of study? let me know. Love's Labour's Lost. But it was not on the New World wholly, that this man of many toils could afford to lavish the revenues which the Queen's favour brought him. It was not to that enterprise alone that he was willing to dedicate the eclat and influence of his rising name.

Is there not a ballad, boy, of the King and the Beggar? Moth. The world was very guilty of such a ballad some three ages since: but, I think, now 'tis not to be found; or, if it were, it would neither serve for the writing, nor for the tune. Armado. I will have the subject newly writ over, that I may example my digression by some mighty precedent. Love's Labour's Lost.

It is the genius that had made its game of that old love's labour's lost that is at work here still, still bent on making a lore of life and love, still ready to spend its rhetoric on things, and composing its metres with them. Nor shall death brag thou wanderest in his shade, When in eternal lines to time thou growest. He is building and manning new ships in his triumphant fleet.

'Labour's pale priests, their lips seem incapable of laughter, except in the way of polite recognition of professorial wit. The stains of ink are chronic on their meagre fingers. They walk like Saul among the asses. The dandies are not less subdued. In 1824 there was a noisy dapper dandyism abroad.

You see, the people of the country had learned all about the organization for which Jerry Coleman had been working "Labour's National Peace Council"; and here was another organization, bearing practically the same name, and carrying on an agitation which seemed the same to the average man.