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Item two works, just out, by Victor Ducange, a novelist highly thought of in the Marais. Item a couple of copies of a second work by Paul de Kock, a beginner in the same style. Item two copies of Yseult of Dole, a charming provincial work. Total, one hundred francs, my little Barbet." Barbet made a close survey of edges and binding. "Oh! they are in perfect condition," cried Lousteau.

Then, one would like something to " "Go on," said my friend. "To " "Happen," said I, lighting a second cigar. Just then a couple of boys ran across the square. One of them stumbled over my feet, picked himself up quickly and ran on again. Two or three people now came, all running. De Kock jumped up. "Something is happening," he said, "and with a vengeance too I fancy. Hark!"

At this time there was a strong movement on foot to blow up the principal mines about Johannesburg, and an irresponsible young person named Antonie Kock had placed himself at the head of a confederacy with this object in view. But thanks to the explicit orders of General L. Botha, which were faithfully carried out by Dr.

"The Travels are uncut, so is the Paul de Kock, so is the Ducange, so is that other thing on the chimney-piece, Considerations on Symbolism. I will throw that in; myths weary me to that degree that I will let you have the thing to spare myself the sight of the swarms of mites coming out of it." "But," asked Lucien, "how are you going to write your reviews?"

On the following day General Kock and a large staff arrived at the laager, and, together with the German Corps, we trekked to Paardekop and Klip River, in the Orange Free State, where we were to occupy Botha's Pass. My convoy comprised about a hundred carts, mostly drawn by mules, and it was amusing to see the variety of provisions my worthy field-cornets had gathered together.

Finally my colleague at the other end gently signalled that of my uncle, followed by the sympathetic remark: "Sorry, old man." I could write no more. What, my uncle dead! General Kock, Major Hall, Advocate Coster all dead! It seemed impossible. We could not understand it, this first initiation of ours into war's horrible reality. Within a week reinforcements were despatched from our district.

Is it necessary, pray, to illustrate a remark in so practical a style? Our friend here can surely comprehend you without all this. Upon my word, you are nearly as great a donkey as the poor unfortunate imagined himself. Your acting is very natural, as I live." "Mille pardons! Ma'm'selle!" replied Monsieur De Kock, thus addressed "a thousand pardons! I had no intention of offending.

Leyds' vote he knew he could count on, the interests of the party which the State Secretary represents being such that they are obliged to work with Mr. Kruger. The appointment, therefore, of Mr. Kock gave his Honour one half of the Executive, and the casting-vote which pertains to his office turned the scale in his favour.

Had she seen him again? Did she still love him? And I thought: Here is an instance of modern love, grotesque and yet heroic. The Homer who should sing of this new Helen and the adventure of her Menelaus must be gifted with the soul of a Paul de Kock. And yet the hero of this deserted woman was brave, daring, handsome, strong as Achilles and more cunning than Ulysses.

Somebody took the business out of hand, as they say, and De Kock would occasionally write a P. S. to his letters like this "Dined at poor Martinetti's, Chiante as usual. Ever yours." Or it would be "Drank to the production of your last new comedy at Martinetti's." Once he stated that shortly after that memorable night Madame disappeared also, taking the parrot along.