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Updated: August 3, 2024

It is thus in the Life of a Man of Sense, a short Life is sufficient to manifest himself a Man of Honour and Virtue; when he ceases to be such he has lived too long, and while he is such, it is of no Consequence to him how long he shall be so, provided he is so to his Life's End. No. 154. Monday, August 27, 1711. Steele. 'Nemo repente fuit turpissimus ... Juv. Mr.

Boswell informs us, that he never forgave its pointed satire. On the same authority we are assured, that though Johnson so dearly loved to ridicule his pupil, yet he so habitually considered him as his own property, that he would permit no one beside to hold up his weaknesses to derision. No. 201. Sanctus haberi Justitiaeque tenax factis dictisque mereris, Adnosco procerem. JUV. Sat.

It is no wonder, therefore, he succeeds in it better than the man of humanity, as a person who makes use of indirect methods is more likely to grow rich than the fair trader. Part Two. Quis enim bonus, aut face dignus Arcana, qualem Cereris vult esse sacerdos, Ulla aliena sibi credat mala? JUV., Sat. xv. 140. Who can all sense of others' ills escape, Is but a brute, at best, in human shape.

'Natio Comaeda est. Juv. There is nothing which I more desire than a safe and honourable Peace, tho' at the same time I am very apprehensive of many ill Consequences that may attend it. I do not mean in regard to our Politicks, but to our Manners. What an Inundation of Ribbons and Brocades will break in upon us? What Peals of Laughter and Impertinence shall we be exposed to?

To avoid depravity like this, it is not necessary that any one should aspire to heroism or sanctity, but only that he should resolve not to quit the rank which nature assigns him, and wish to maintain the dignity of a human being. No. 184. Permittes ipsis expendere numinibus, quid Conveniat nobis, rebusque sit utile nostris. JUV. Sat. x. 347.

'Nunquam aliud Natura, aliud Sapientia dixit. Juv. When the four Indian Kings were in this Country about a Twelvemonth ago, I often mixed with the Rabble, and followed them a whole Day together, being wonderfully struck with the Sight of every thing that is new or uncommon.

For I must further acquaint the Reader, that, though our club meets only on Tuesdays and Thursdays, we have appointed a committee to sit every night, for the inspection of all such papers as may contribute to the advancement of the public weal. No. 2. Ast alii sex Et plures uno conclamant ore. Juv. Sat. vii. ver. 167. Six more at least join their consenting voice.

Sir ROGER listened to this passage with great attention, and desiring Mr. Honeycomb to fold down a leaf at the place, and lend him his book, the Knight put it up in his pocket, and told us that he would read over those verses again before he went to bed. No. 383. Criminibus debent hortos. Juv. Sat. i. ver. 75. A beauteous garden, but by vice maintain'd.

But let them remember, that I do hereby enter my Caveat against this Piece of Raillery. No. 11. Tuesday, March 13, 1711. Steele. 'Dat veniam corvis, vexat censura columbas. Juv. Arietta is visited by all Persons of both Sexes, who may have any Pretence to Wit and Gallantry.

JUV., Sat. xiv. 321. Good taste and nature always speak the same. When the four Indian kings were in this country about a twelvemonth ago, I often mixed with the rabble, and followed them a whole day together, being wonderfully struck with the sight of everything that is new or uncommon.

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