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"At the moon? Why does he bark at the moon?" "Oh, he thinks he wants it, I cal'late. Wants it to eat or play with or somethin'. Dogs get funny notions, sometimes." Babbie laughed. "I, think he's awf'ly silly," she said. "He couldn't have the moon, you know, could he? The moon wasn't made for a dog." Jed, still gazing at Ruth, drew a long breath. "That's right," he admitted.

"Calc'late both them young folks was guilty of an error of jedgment when they up and married each other," said Will Pratt, postmaster of Coldriver, in the judicial tone which he had affected since his elevation to office. "Mean Marthy Norton and Jed Lewis, Will? Referrin' to them especial?"

"What is it you want to say? You look as if you wanted to say something." "Do I? . . . Hum. . . . Oh, 'twasn't anything special. . . . How's er how's your sister this mornin'?" "Oh, she's well. I haven't seen her so well since that is, for a long time. You've made a great hit with Sis, Jed," he added, with a laugh. "She can't say enough good things about you.

Nance looked at him apprehensively. "Well, we better be doin' something'," she said. "Can't Uncle Jed help us?" "I ain't goin' to let him. He's paid my rent fer the last time." This unexpected flare of independence in Mr. Snawdor was disturbing. The Snawdor family without Uncle Jed was like a row of stitches from which the knitting needle has been withdrawn.

The first part of his story happened a very long time ago, even before grandfather was born, when Jedediah Chillingworth first began to win for himself the combination title of town-fool and town-liar. By the time grandfather was a half-grown boy, big enough to join in the rough crowd of village lads who tormented Jed, the old dizzard had been for years the local butt.

He's liable to believe it by and by and start singin' in public. . . . Then he finds out he's just a fool owl, and has been all along. Humph! Me a wonder! . . . A blunder, you mean." Neither of the young people had ever heard him use that tone before. They both cried out in protest. "Look here, Jed " began Phillips. Maud interrupted. "Just a moment, Charlie," she said.

She grew afraid and and hid, and it seemed like the soul of me would die; for, don't you see, Burke thinks that Marg's man is is the father, and Marg and Jed lays the trouble to Burke and they think her his! And and it has grown more since the big road brought us-all closer. The big road brought trouble as well as good.

"Take the rifle, Jed, and the best of luck," bowed the doctor, handing the weapon to the mountaineer, and reaching into his pocket for the cartridges he had taken from it. "We'll now see what we can do for the sick." Jed was out of the house and across the field at top speed by the time Elfreda had reached the door, after stowing her revolver.

"Now, Phin," he protested, "seems to me " But Babbitt was too excited to heed. His little eyes snapped and his bristling beard quivered. "You hold your horses, Shavin's," he ordered. "I didn't come here to listen to you. I came because I had somethin' to say and when I've said it I'm goin' and goin' quick. My boy's been home. You knew that, I suppose, didn't you?" Jed nodded.

Also, as he walked back to the bank, he reflected that Jed Winslow's tenant was likely to have her personal history and affairs discussed whether she wished it or not. Young women as attractive as she were bound to be discussed, especially in a community the size of Orham.