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She drew back still farther and made a rapid gesture of negation with her head, her hand, and even her whole lithe figure. Then she said, with a decided American intonation: "No, sir." "Why not?" said Jarman mechanically. The girl sidled up against the cabin, keeping her eyes fixed on Jarman with a certain youthful shrewdness. "Oh, you know!" she said. "I really do not. Tell me why."

Disappointed, I returned to my lodgings in a depressed state of mind. Jarman 's scheme, which had appeared hopeful and even attractive during the daytime, now loomed shadowy and impossible before me.

"The poor dears!" she sobbed. "But there, there's no telling. Perhaps they'll be happy. I'm sure I hope they may be. He looks harmless." Jarman, stretching out a hand to me from the other side of Mrs. Peedles, urged me to cheer up. "Don't wear your 'eart upon your sleeve," he advised. "Try and smile." In the vestry I met old friends.

"You don't know what a fright I felt in when I did it; but I was in such a passion that I was obliged to hit something." "And so you did, sir, a regular smeller. I don't believe a French or a Jarman boy would ha' done it." "Nonsense, Bob." "Oh, no, it aren't, my lad; it's some sense, and it's taught me a deal." "What do you mean?"

No questions asked, no character wanted. Lord! why didn't I think of it before?" "Wants a bit of getting on to, doesn't it?" suggested Minikin. "Depends upon where you want to get," replied Jarman. For the first time since the commencement of the discussion he turned to me. "Can you sing?" he asked me. I replied that I could a little, though I had never done so in public.

"I don't know," I replied. "I didn't know I had done it till it was over." "Anybody present?" "Half-a-dozen of them," I groaned. The door opened, and Jarman entered; he never troubled to knock anywhere. In place of his usual noisy greeting, he crossed in silence and shook me gravely by the hand. "Friend of yours?" he asked, indicating Minikin. I introduced them to each other.

But their boat remained lying off the shore. That night Cara tossed sleeplessly on her bed; she was sorry she had ever spoken of Marco to Jarman. It was unnecessary now; perhaps he disbelieved her and thought she loved Marco; perhaps that was the reason of his strange and abrupt leave-taking that afternoon. She longed for the next day, she could tell him everything now.

Then with a hurried, trembling voice she told him all and everything. He listened in silence, and only at the end raised her hand gravely to his lips. "And now," she added tremulously, "you must fly quick at once; or it will be too late!" But Richard Jarman walked slowly to the door of his cabin, still holding her hand, and said quietly, pointing to his only chair: "Sit down; we must talk first."

Peedles observing that under such circumstances it only remained for her to withdraw everything she had said; to which Miss Sellars replied graciously that she had always known Mrs. Peedles to be a good sort at the bottom. Nevertheless, gaiety was gone from among us, and for this, in some way I could not understand, I appeared to be responsible. Jarman was distinctly sulky.

For use in a second floor front he could not honestly recommend the Lady 'Ortensia; it would not be giving her a fair chance, and it would not be giving the second floor a fair chance. But for any gentleman fitting up marble halls, for any one on the lookout for a really "toney article," Jarman would say: Inquire for Miss Rosina Sellars, and see that you get her. There followed my turn.