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At Jack's request Tony had been given the position of a Junior Foreman in one of the planing mill departments, with the promise of advancement. "You can have anything you are fit for, Tony, in any of the mills. I feel that I owe you, that we both owe you more than we can pay by any position we can offer," was Grant Maitland's word. "Mr. Maitland, neither you nor Jack owes me anything.

This is the key to the chest, and the chest is buried here!" "Good work!" and Guy Holmes and Maisie Norris appeared just in time to hear Jack's exclamation. "Come on, let's all dig!" "No," said Dolly, sitting down on the ground; "I can't dig any more; I'm too tired. Maisie and I will sit here while you boys do the digging." "All right," the boys agreed, and they fell to work with a will.

The next evening, little Joanna Merwin joined the party, and Professor Susan felt quite proud of her "academy," as she called it. Bob Holliday caught the infection, and went to studying at home. As he was not so far advanced as Jack, he contented himself with asking Jack's help when he was in trouble. At length, he had a difficulty that Jack could not solve.

Pearce, knowing this superstitious dread of all Chilians to enter the subterranean prisons, waited until the leader had stopped commanding and abusing his soldiers, when he ventured to interpose on Jack's account. As he was a man of consequence in the opinion of the Chilian chief, his words soon had the desired effect.

"Of course you don't," interrupted Sam. "I'll attend to all that. Come on." Needing no more urging, Jack laid aside his book, turned his light low, and soon he and Sam were cautiously making their way from Jack's window, along a trellis and drain pipe to the ground. "There!" exclaimed Sam, as he dropped lightly to the earth. "I feel better already. Some of the restlessness has gone."

It was all Billy Jack could do to get his team down to a trot by the time they reached the clearing, for there the going was perilous, and besides, it was just as well that his father should not witness any signs on Billy Jack's part of the folly that he was inclined to attribute to the rising generation.

There followed a brief silence, and then Black Dennis Nolan spoke quietly. "Why bain't ye over to Squid Beach, standin' yer trick at look-out?" he inquired. Foxey Jack's answer was a harsh, jeering laugh, and words to the effect that life was too short to spend five days of it lonely and starving with cold, in a hut not fit for a pig.

"A Grand National Company for blowing up both Houses of Parliament!" Mr. Caxton. "Upon my life, I hope something newer than that; for they, to judge by the newspapers, don't want brother Jack's assistance to blow up each other!" "Newspapers! you don't often read a newspaper, Austin Caxton!" Mr. Caxton. "Granted, John Tibbets!" Uncle Jack.

Besides, I don't see how you can do it, unless Gray comes down, and I think I have now in my pocket something that will make him come down." And Jack's face brightened at the thought of the slip of paper in the pocket of his roundabout. Without observing the last remark, nor the evident elation of Jack's feelings, Mrs.

His mistress' portrait decked the wall, His mirror had a crack; Yet, gay and glad, though this was all His wealth, lived Jolly Jack. To give advice to avarice, Teach pride its mean condition, And preach good sense to dull pretence, Was honest Jack's high mission. Our simple statesman found his rule Of moral in the flagon, And held his philosophic school Beneath the "George and Dragon."