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"Imphm," said I, for Margaret was looking down and smiling in a way that angered me a little "imphm," said I. "Did she say was he bringing his wife with him?" "Wife?" said Hugh with a start. Margaret was not smiling now, but I will say this; she was making a brave try at it. "Some lady in Jamaica," said I, "wi' bonny bright eyes, young McKinnon was thinking." At that Hugh left us, smiling.

And if he does that, Goudie and I may do what we like, but we canna help you. For it's the partners that decide the estimates sent in, d'ye see? Imphm, it's the partners. Goudie has noathing to do wi' that. And if Gourlay once gets round the partners, you'll be left out in the cold for a very loang time. Shivering, sir, shivering! You will that!" "Dod, you're right. There's a danger of that.

I'll speak a word in his ear on your behalf, to be sure, if you agree to the proposal I mean to put before you. But Gourlay's the man you need to keep your eye on. It's you or him for the contract there's nobody else to compete wi' the two o' ye." "Imphm, I see," said Wilson, and tugged his moustache in meditation. All expression died out of his face while his brain churned within.

"The damned sneck-drawer!" thought Gourlay, enlightened by his hate; "he's sucking Tam Finlay's brains, to steal some idea for himsell!" And still as Wilson listened he murmured swiftly, "Imphm! I see, Mr. Finlay; imphm! imphm! imphm!" nodding his head and pulling his moustache and glimmering at his new "opportunity."

He tugged his moustache and said "Imphm" many times. Then his eyes went off in their long preoccupied stare, and the sound of the breath, coming heavy through his nostrils, was audible in the quiet room. Wilson was one of the men whom you hear thinking. "I see," he said slowly. "You mean to bind Gourlay to cart building material to my holm at the present price of work.

He would see the lecturer far enough, ere he gave an apology before it was expressly required. "Oh, that's the line you go on, is it?" said the lecturer, nodding his head as if he had sized up a curious animal. "I see, I see! You add contumacy to insolence, do you?... Imphm." Gourlay was not quite sure what contumacy meant, and the uncertainty added to his anger.

Later the same night Matthew Maitland observed to Peter, as they sat on their "hunkers" at the corner: "Andra's back again, I suppose." "Ay," was the answer, "he was telt his place was stopped." "Imphm," said Matthew, "it's a damn fine excuse. It's a pity but somethin' could be done." "It's the Block," said Peter.

She knitted her brows and said "Imphm" to herself; and her doubts were confirmed by Marion's vehement exclamation, "Oh, when will Richard come! I wish he would come soon." Her perfect, her so rightly old mother would have said, "It'll be nice for you, dear, when Richard comes," and would not have clouded her dreams of his coming with the threat of passionate competition for his notice.

"It never is," he retorted, and repeated grimly and exultingly, "You've never looked at yourself before." She looked obliquely at her reflection and ran her hands ashamedly up and down her body, and tried for a word and failed. "Are you not beautiful?" he said. "Imphm.

Ribekka blushed like a lassie o' fifteen, an' bringin' her tongue alang her upper lip, she shook her heid an' says, "Juist a lot o' blethers. Jeems wudna hae a puir thing like me." "Ye dinna tell me!" said Mistress Winton, never lattin' wink she heard Ribekka. "That's the wey o't is't? Imphm! What d'ye think o' that, na? Weel dune, Ribekka.