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Jack confidentially inquired, taking his hat off, and accepting a well-dusted chair. There was now nothing for it but to explain my difficulties, which I did, Miss Lining saying, "Yisss, misss," at every two or three words. When I had said my say, she sucked the top of her brass thimble thoughtfully for some moments, and then spoke as an oracle. "There's a hinside and a hout to the stuff?

Oi'm hawful sorry oi went back on 'Im. Hit was the lemonaide. The boys didn't mean no 'arm but hit started the 'ell hinside. Geordie hurled out some bitter words. 'Don't be 'ard on 'em, Geordie; they didn't mean no 'arm, he said, and his eyes kept waiting till Geordie said hurriedly 'Na! na! lad a'll juist leave them till the Almichty. Then Mrs.

She had interrupted Mildred's musings from time to time, but had received rather absent replies, for the actual inception of a life of toil occasioned many thoughts. When, however, the practical woman remarked, "I've a hinside 'int that hit's time we took a bite together," Mildred awakened to an honest and hungry approval of the suggestion. "I don't like to intrude upon you, Mrs.

At that time M'riar looked upon the separation as inevitable. The wild scheme which, afterwards, grew in her alert and worried brain, had not yet had its birth and she could not take the thought of her Miss Anna's going with composure. "Hi didn't want ter 'oller," she said, at length, when she had regained her self-control, "but that there yell hinside o' me was bigger'n Hi 'ad room fer, Miss."

Dey say dey turn me hinside hout if I don't ole my tongue. What could dis yar nigger do? Dey's too much for me. So dey follered, and here dey am wid de doctor, waiting about two hun'rd yards down dere for leave to come. But, I say, massa, dey's good sort o' fellers after all do whatever you tells 'em. Good for go messages, p'raps, an save dis yar nigger's poor legs."

Borne unmistakably on the night wind, voices came to them the soft voice of a woman, the deeper tones of a man. "One of the maids, I dare say," Sybilla said, carelessly, "holding tryst with her lover." "No," said the valet; "not one of the maids would set foot hinside this walk hafter nightfall for a kingdom! They say it's 'aunted.

We then set out on our luvly drive, me on the box-seat of one of the Carridges, and the other pore fellers cramped up hinside.

"We'll see about that, my buck, pretty soon " "Men! Hi've got a brace of six-shooters 'ere in my 'and. The first of you as comes into the light gets a couple of 'oles drilled into 'is hinside, neat and clean."

For the want of something else to amuse his mind, it was turned to the small cannon he was carrying in his hand. "This 'ere thing," thought he, "ain't o' much use as a pistol, though it might be used as a war-club at close quarters. I hope I shan't 'ave to fire it hoff. The barrel is thin, and the bullet hinside it must be a'most as large as an 'en's hegg. It 'ud be like enough to bust.

Was a large ditch 'ere, sir, and another there, and a stone bridge betwixt the two, and the young bucks in them days did use to practice harchery right 'ere where you see the lamp-post. The Guild'all is hin the gate, sir, right hinside it, with a passage hup. I'll drive through the harch, sir, and you'll see the hother side. Cluck!"