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Generally speaking, this whole region is extremely mountainous and at the same time heavily wooded. It is only when the Agusan, Hijo, and Tagum rivers are approached that the country becomes more open. On the Pacific coast there are few harbors, for the mountains extend down almost to the water's edge forming high sheer cliffs.

He thought you were dead, and came up and told us; and we brought you here on a stretcher, and the Señor Coronel sent for a doctor " "The Señor Coronel! Do you mean Mr. Fortescue?" "Yes, sir, I mean Mr. Fortescue." "Then you are Ramon?" "Hijo de Dios! You know my name." "Yes, you are Mr. Fortescue's body-servant." "Caramba! Somebody must have told you."

Its members are also found in considerable numbers from the head of the Agusan drainage nearly to the town of Compostela, and several settlements of this people are to be found along the Hijo and Tagum rivers, while in recent years a number have established themselves on the eastern side of Davao Gulf.

She'll be a bother to us, to say nothing of the extra weight for our poor horses. After all, she's not very heavy only a bag of bones." "But, Gaspar; are you in earnest about our taking her along with us?" asks Cypriano. "How are we to help it, hijo mio! If we leave her here, she'd be back in the town before we could get started; that is, if we have the good luck to get started at all.

In the expressive vernacular of the gauchos the large dragon-fly is called hijo del pampero son of the south-west wind.

Guillon Robles. Legendas Moriscas. Madrid, 1885-86. 36 petit in 8vo. Guillon Robles. La Legenda de Jose, hijo de Jacob, ye do Alexandro Magna. Zaragoza, 1888, en 8vo. L de Eguilas el Hditz, de La Princess Zoraida. Granada, 1892, 16mo. P. Gil y Ribera et Mar Sanches. Colleccion el textos Aljamiados. Zaragoza, 1888, 8vo.

"Have patience, hijo mio," counsels Gaspar; "you'll be there in good time, and that very soon. For, from something I remember, I don't think we've much more journey to make. But before proceeding further, let us take a look at this curious thing here, and see what we can make of it. Besides, our animals need breathing a bit."

"Be calm, hijo mio!" counsels Gaspar in a soothing tone, intended to curb the excitement of the fiery youth; "I don't think there will be any need for you either to enter the town, or lay down your life in it. Certainly neither, unless my plan get spoiled by the ill luck that's been so long hanging about us.

She bent upon the young man a long look of the most agonized questioning. Then her great black eyes turned, and her gaze rested upon his left hand. And then with a sob, not loud, but seeming to shake the room, she cried "Hijo mio!" and caught the Llano Kid to her heart. A month afterward the Kid came to the consulate in response to a message sent by Thacker. He looked the young Spanish caballero.

DOÑA MATILDE. No tal, antes al contrario se opone a ello. BRUNO. ¿Y dice usted que se casa? DOÑA MATILDE. Dentro de media hora ... ahí está el misterio. BRUNO. No puede ser eso entonces, niña. DOÑA MATILDE. Te digo que ... D. Eduardo lo ha arreglado ya todo, y me vendrá a buscar dentro de media hora para llevarme a la iglesia. BRUNO. No será el hijo de mi madre el que le abrirá la puerta.