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There was a great throng at the pier to see them off, and there was no end of good wishes and stories of the good times now gone by. When the steamer finally moved out into the open, there were three cheers each for Archie and "brave Bill Hickson," in which every man appeared to join with all his heart and voice. And there were tears in Archie's eyes at having to part from such true friends.

Besides, I telegraphed him not to accept the invitation, but he says he never got my message." "Why does he think you sent it?" "Because I couldn't trust myself " They grinned at each other. With the entrance of Riatt and Ussher they went in to lunch, and there manoeuvering for places for the afternoon immediately began. Hickson supposed that by starting early he could secure Christine's company.

In short, my dear, I cannot begin life over again hampered by a wife. Thanking you for the loyalty with which you have stood by me in this crisis, and wishing you every happiness in the future, believe me "Sincerely yours, He handed the note to Hickson. "I think that, taken externally, will effect a cure," he said. "Good night, Hickson. I'm dead tired, so you won't mind my going to bed.

He had never felt quite so sure as most people about the stability of the modern financial system. He did not, he felt, understand the working of this moratorium, or the peculiar advantage of prolonging the bank holidays. It meant, he supposed, a stoppage of payment all round, and a cutting off of the supply of ready money. And Hickson the grocer, according to Mrs.

And him Faith Hickson loved with all the strength of her passionate heart, although he never was aware of the attachment he had excited, and her own family were too regardless of manifestations of mere feeling to ever observe the signs of any emotion on her part. But the old Indian servant Nattee saw and observed them all.

"Are you going to tell Hickson the truth?" "How can I? If I told him, Nancy would know at once, and the whole aim of this plot is to deceive Nancy. However," she added brightly, "I shall do what I can to alleviate his sufferings. I shall tell him that I am not in the least in love with you, that you have never so much as kissed me, and that my present intention is that you never shall."

Max did not answer at first in words; he laughed rather bitterly, and then after a pause he said, "Yes, Hickson, I do." Ned was clearly relieved. "Of course," he said, "I did not know how that would be. But I own it did occur to me. The world is very censorious of poor Christine. Every one will say that she is the kind of woman who can't stick to a man in adversity.

What for?" asked Nan. "'Cause school will soon be over and we'll have a long vacation," answered Bert. "Oh, that's so!" agreed Nan. "We have only a few more weeks of school. I hope I pass my examinations." "I hope so, too," agreed Bert. "I'm going to study real hard." "So'm I!" murmured Nan. "Oh, look! There goes Mr. Hickson on a pile of daddy's lumber!" she cried.

He dwelt particularly upon the bravery of Bill Hickson, and held him up as a model for all the men to follow. "And now three cheers for Bill Hickson and our boy reporter again," he cried, when he had finished, and they were given with a will by all the men.

Hickson joined hands and danced around it. Then they had to taste of the various and doubtful makings of candies, and ate a bread-pan of snow-white popcorn sprinkled with melted butter. Then Mr. Hickson told some stories, and his wife in a clear, sweet voice led the children in some Christmas songs.