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Updated: August 7, 2024

"Oh, you mustn't skate across the pond!" exclaimed Rose. "Daddy said we must stay near the edge." "But the ice is smoother out in the middle," said Russ. "It's all humpy and rough here, and you can't skate fast. I want to go out in the middle!" "So do I," added Laddie. "Come on, Russ. I'll race you, but you ought to give me a head-start 'cause you're older than I am and you can skate better."

A tedious job, with chances of sighting it about even.... At any rate, we'll have some sort of a head-start," he finished. This was the opportunity Leithgow had waited for; he wanted a few frank words with his friend. "Carse," he said slowly, "I wonder just where that man concealed behind the secret panel would take the asteroid?" "I've thought about that too," replied the Hawk.

"You you won the race, Hal," she said. "Well, maybe I got started a little ahead of you," he replied kindly. "Anyhow, I'm older and of course I'm stronger. Oughtn't I give her a head-start, Daddy?" "I think it would be more fair, perhaps," said Daddy Blake with a smile. He was glad his children were so thoughtful. "Then let's race again," suggested Hal. "Oh, hurrah!" cried all the other children.

"I wear my hair parted on one side like a debutante to give me a head-start on all the knowing and subtle and wicked people I have to put up with. While they are trying to break the ice with an ingenue, I'm sizing them up." Burnaby laughed. "Well, I'm not subtle," he said. He sank down into a big chair across the fireplace from her.

Burgoyne said serenely, " and I'd say 'Children, all music is yours, all art is yours, all literature is yours, all history and all philosophy is waiting to prove to you that in starting poor, healthy, and born of intelligent and devoted parents, you have a long head-start in the race of life.

'Not much, s'e, 'but I guess it's got such a head-start the whol' thing'll go like a shell. An' when we got to the top o' the bank on the other side o' the track, we see it was that way the poorhouse'd got such a head-start burnin' that nothin' could save it, though Timothy Toplady, that was town marshal an' chairman o' the county board, an' Silas Sykes an' Eppleby Holcomb, that was managers o' the poorhouse, an' some more, went puffin' past us, yellin', 'Put it out run fer water why don't you do suthin'? an' like that, most beside theirselves.

Steve swung out toward the east, curbing his mount's eagerness, settling himself in the saddle for a couple of hours of hard riding. Slowly he would warm up the big roan, letting him out gradually, steadily. Already he sensed that in truth here was "a cayuse hard to beat for legs an' lungs." And Blenham's head-start was but a matter of minutes, half an hour at most.

So he couldn't even warn Barbee that Blenham had made good his head-start; that Blenham was plainly of one mind to-night; that it was up to young Barbee to keep his eyes open and his gun cocked. He began to understand why his grandfather had made Blenham one of his right-hand men; he had the cool mind and the way of acting quickly which makes for success.

Luckily, the Indians would not be looking for him until later in the day. He was supposed to be hunting. Now, with this head-start, could he but reach the Ohio River! Once across the Ohio, and he would feel safe, for he knew the Kentucky country. Never had he traveled so fast; never before had he taken such pains to leave a blind trail.

"Another race! That's three!" This time Hal let Mab start off a little ahead of him, when Mr. Blake called "Go!" This "head-start," as we used to call it when I was a boy, is called a "handicap" by the big folk, but you don't need to use that big word, unless you care to. "Oh, Mab is going to win! Mab is going to win!" shouted the children. And she did. She crossed the line ahead of Hal.

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