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Updated: August 25, 2024

Think, my child, think deeply before you pronounce the irrevocable vow." Haydée threw herself passionately upon Monte-Cristo's breast. "My lord," she cried, in accents broken by extreme agitation and emotion, "am I not your slave?" "No, Haydée," answered the Count, his bosom heaving and his eyes lighting up with a strange flash, "you are free, your fate rests in your own hands."

He was a very manly and handsome child; quick, enthusiastic and energetic; his father's hope and his mother's idol; though Haydée saw, with extreme uneasiness, that the little lad was wise beyond his years, and was already devoted to Monte-Cristo's somewhat visionary schemes, which he appeared to grasp in all their complicated details.

All these recollections came thronging upon the Count as he stood gazing about him. The thought of Haydée almost melted him to tears, but he forced back the briny drops, and, taking Zuleika tenderly in his arms, cried out, in a voice full of emotion: "Oh! Haydée, Haydée, I have lost you, but you live for me again in this blessed treasure you have bequeathed to me our darling daughter!"

Haydee hurriedly dried her tears as Monte-Cristo drew nearer. She clung to his bosom, and whispered: "Am I to lose you both? If I only knew when you were going to return." The count turned to Mercedes. "Mercedes," he said to Albert's mother, "you see I do not shrink from any sacrifice when it is a question of duty. Love my Haydee and console her. She needs it."

"You frighten me," said Haydee, clinging to the count. "Ali is so devoted to you, and if we should lose him " "Have no fear, child; we will not lose him if he does his duty."

Nothing occurred to impede the progress of the Haydée and, after a rapid and pleasant voyage, the beautiful craft cast anchor in the harbor of Civita Vecchia, the principal seaport city of the Pontifical States, which owes its origin to the Emperor Trajan.

Ali and Bertuccio hurried to the yacht, and the Ice Bird flew with all sails toward the open sea. "Oh, darling," whispered Haydee, blushing deeply, "you have been merciful, and I thank you doubly for it. What you do for your fellow-men God will return to your child. Yes, I speak the truth. God has given me the great happiness to become a mother. Kiss me, my beloved."

Had you committed even a much more serious fault than peeping into my correspondence, that would be more than sufficient to secure my full forgiveness. But do you know that Espérance shot and killed the miscreant who held his pistol to my temple and was about to blow out my brains?" "Espérance?" said Haydée in bewilderment. "Did he not remain behind with Zuleika and myself?"

At last Haydée recovered consciousness, and opening her eyes gazed wildly around her; seeing her husband, Espérance and Zuleika safe beside her, she uttered a faint sigh of relief. It was several moments longer before she could speak; then she exclaimed in a tremulous voice: "Oh! my lord, did you meet that terrible man?" "What man, Haydée?" asked the Count. "Do you mean Benedetto?"

He offered his breast to the minions of Radetzky " "You are speaking of the Marquis Aslitta," said Haydee, gently. "Yes, of him, and if you knew my past you would understand that it is the love I bear for him which keeps me alive." "Speak freely, sister," whispered the handsome Greek, "perhaps I can help you." "I am a Frenchwoman by birth," said the diva, timidly.

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