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She is in the best of humors, gives me soup with her spoon, feeds me with her fork, and places her head on the table like a playful kitten and flirts with me. I have the misfortune of looking at Haydee, who serves in my place, perhaps a little longer than is necessary.

"Aye, aye, Signor Count," answered the Captain, and the necessary orders were at once given. The Haydée, promptly obeying her helm, swung about swiftly and gracefully, instantly darting off in the direction of the famous island. Zuleika, on hearing her father's command, cast upon him a look of astonishment and anxiety.

I was present when my father was betrayed and murdered they tore me from his corpse and dragged me to the slave market, where grief and death awaited me." Haydee continued: "Then you appeared like a god you stepped before my tearful eyes, and from that moment I lived for you only in the world!

Haydée had fluttered over the page of his stormy, agitated history, leaving him Espérance and Zuleika as reminders of a happy, but all too brief dream, an elfin vision of enchantment that had vanished as swiftly as it had come.

I am strong, and shall be there almost as soon as yourself." In a very few minutes they reached the hôtel, which Goutran opened with a key given him by Esperance. They entered the corridor that led to the rooms formerly occupied by Haydée. Esperance, with infinite precautions, laid Jane on the bed.

As he spoke the rocky island was gradually lost to view in the distance, and the Haydée sped over the waves of the Mediterranean like some glorious water-fowl in full flight.

Where were they and what had happened to them? The Count felt a cold perspiration break out upon his forehead, and a feeling of unspeakable dread took entire possession of him. Haydée demanded immediate attention, but Espérance and Zuleika must instantly be found and rescued. At the top of his voice Monte-Cristo shouted for Ali, but no reply was returned.

"I have never caused you any pain?" "None I am the happiest of women." "And if circumstances occurred which would compel me to give you pain?" "Then I would submit to your intelligence and not complain." "Also if I were to destroy your happiness forever?" "Even then I would live in the past and be rich." "Then listen to me, Haydee we must separate."

She noticed that her husband's eye, remarkably sorrowful, turned from her and Spero, and bending her little head she whispered: "Forgive me. I know that I dare not leave Spero." Monte-Cristo trembled. The most difficult was to come yet. "Haydee," he then said, softly, "you cannot accompany me. I shall explain to you immediately why it cannot be. Not because you dare not leave Spero "

As in the case of one about to be executed my arms are bound behind my back, so that I can scarcely move. "Give me the whip, Haydee," commands Wanda, with unearthly calm. The negress hands it to her mistress, kneeling. "And now take off my heavy furs," she continues, "they impede me." The negress obeyed. "The jacket there!" Wanda commanded.