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Updated: August 3, 2024

As she jerked off her flaunting bonnet, and dragged off her loud shawl, saluting me, as she did so, with an overdone obeisance, she said, "This San Fanfrisko" why would she, how could she, always twist the decent name of the metropolis of the Pacific into such an absurd shape? "was a norrid 'ole; she happealed to the gentleman," meaning me, "didn't 'e find it a norrid 'ole, habsolutely hawful?"

Send up some brandy and the box of weeds; I'll sit here by the fire and do the preliminaries, which is more trouble than you think; for them ghosts carries on hawful at times, before they finds out who they've got to deal with. If you was in the room they'd tear you to pieces as like as not.

He had a sheaf of evening papers under his arm, and was yelling with much enthusiasm to an edified crowd: 'Noose of the War! Hawful mutilation of the dead! Fearful collision in the Channel! Eighty-eight lives lost! Narrative of survivors! Thrilling details! Shindy in Parl'ment! Hirish members to the front again! 'Orrible haccident in our own town! The Lady Claudia's bust!"

The three Ponsonby girls range from six to twenty-two, with a college freshman son second from the beginning, while Josephine, sister of the head of the family, though quite Miss Lavinia's age, is the gayest of the gay, and almost outdoes her good-naturedly giddy sister-in-law. "It's just hawful, Mrs.

"Divil take him!" whispered he to his companions; "I dinna know what to make av it. It be hawful to 'ear em!" "Hark!" ejaculated Harry Blount. "Hish!" ejaculated Terence. "Wheesh!" muttered Colin. "It's coming nearer, whatever it may be. Wheesh!"

The Tinman nearly caught me on the post came with a terrific rush; he is just hawful, that Tinman is. I did catch it from the Gaffer he did give it me." The plates of all the boys except the Demon's were now filled with beefsteak pudding, potatoes, and greens, likewise Esther's. Mr. Leopold, Mr.

Why, if you was to give that 'oss ten feeds of corn a day he'd take an' eat 'em all out clean wouldn't leave a hoat! And legs. Them's not legs! them's slips of gutta-percher an' steel! To be sure he'll fetch a hawful price at the 'ammer four 'underd, five 'underd, I shouldn't wonder why he's worth all the money to look at.

But my brudder he go to die with hawful bad cold queeck, an' he send for the priest an' for me, an' tell all. I go to Governor with the priest, an' Governor gif me dat writing here." He tapped his breast, then took out a wallet and showed the paper to her. "It is life of dat Haman, voici! And so I safe him for my brudder. Dat was a bad boy, Fadette.

"Ah! she was a hawful voman, that 'ere!" said Dummie, shaking his head. "But howsomever, the hurchin fell into good 'ands; for I be's sure you 'as been a better mother to 'un than the raal 'un!" "I was always a fool about childer," rejoined Mrs. Lobkins; "and I thinks as how little Paul was sent to be a comfort to my latter end! Fill the glass, Dummie."

He was determined to avoid all personal risks; and to be caught helping the burglars to carry off the Aphrodite would be fatal. He was recovering his presence of mind. As his tormentors had sensibly relaxed, he was able to take steps for his own security. "I beg pardon, gents," he said, "but I don't want to appear in this myself. There's Potter, you see; he's a hawful man to go against.

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