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Sheldon returned to the hansom-cab, which was waiting for him at the end of Warwick-court, and made his way to the telegraph office. The ostensible motive of his call in Gray's Inn was sufficient excuse for this following up of his brother's footsteps. It was one of those waifs and strays of rather disreputable business which the elder man sometimes threw in the way of the younger.

But at last, both of us becoming somewhat anxious, we called a halt and questioned the driver, who confessed that he had no idea where he was. As good, or ill, luck would have it, there just then emerged from the fog an empty hansom-cab, and finding that its driver knew more than ours, I engaged him as pilot, first to Browning's house, and then to my own.

I asked cautiously, not wishing to make too evident the fact that my principal had given me no information respecting his case. "A week to-day," he replied. "The fons et origo mali was a hansom-cab which upset me opposite the Law Courts sent me sprawling in the middle of the road. My own fault, of course at least, the cabby said so, and I suppose he knew. But that was no consolation to me."

Then a late hansom-cab came tinkling along. But the people in it were returning from some festivity, and were laughing and talking, and noticed nothing but their own joking. Then there was silence again, and for a long time, as it seemed to Marco, no one was to be seen. It was not really so long as it appeared, because he was anxious.

"I suppose," I said with a sigh, "that some tin-pot knight will drive up one of these days to the castle in a hansom-cab and carry off my princess." "Then you'll be sorry?" "My dear," I answered, "do not let us discuss such gruesome things on an afternoon like this." "You would like better for me to go on playing at being your Turkish wife?" "Infinitely," said I. Alas! The day is sped.

Wright the room seemed to revolve slowly on its axis, but, regaining his self-possession by a supreme effort, he took out his purse and produced the amount. Mrs. Bradshaw, after a few feminine protestations, went upstairs to put her bonnet on. "And you can go and fetch a hansom-cab, George, while she's a-doing of it," said Mr. Kemp. "Pick out a good 'orse spotted-grey, if you can." Mr.

Hansom-cab drivers, attracted by the noise of our altercation, drew up to the sidewalk to watch developments, and then, after the usual fifteen or twenty minutes, the blue-coat emissary of justice appeared. "'Phat's dthis? he asked. "'I have detected this man leaving my house in a suspicious manner, said my adversary. 'I have reason to suspect him of thieving.

He has introduced into the theatre the things that no one else had introduced into a theatre the things in the street outside. The theatre is a sort of thing which proudly sends a hansom-cab across the stage as Realism, while everybody outside is whistling for motor-cabs.

But on that day about three o'clock, while Constance sat at her window, which commanded a view of the street, she saw a hansom-cab arrive at the door, and the welcome form of her lover spring rapidly out and run up the steps. He had come to her at last! But why had he left her so long to suffer?

Who would think that that smooth saintly face covered so much insolence! I should like to give him a good hiding. I should, indeed." He returned to the sitting-room, unlocked the door, and ordered a servant to fetch a hansom-cab. Then he occupied himself by setting some of the books straight on the shelves, humming a tune to himself meanwhile, as if nobody else were in the room. "Mr.