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Alan, at the engine, brought the air ship up as skillfully as a pilot might a vessel, and as the two cars almost touched Ned passed the end of his drag rope, and the occupants of the Arrow with a quick turn made her basket fast to the bridge of the Cibola. There were handshakes, mutual congratulations and quick explanations.

The storeroom smelt of rats. Packed along its walls were boxes, coffers, trunks, and a huge pair of rusty scales. They all gathered together on the arrival of the Tartars, who greeted them with handshakes. The general snorted. One of the Tartars, an old man wearing new goloshes over felt boots, spoke to Katerina: "How d'ye do, Barina?"

It moved the House so greatly that when he sat down the Tory peers rose, almost in a body, and rushing across the floor, offered him their personal congratulations and handshakes in recognition of his success. Such a scene, common enough in foreign Chambers, was almost without precedent in our cold and stately House of Lords.

Then there are handshakes, and I go on alone. Some dimly seen wayfarers disappear; the sounds of sliding locks and closing shutters are heard here and there; the houses have shut themselves up, the night-bound town becomes a desert profound. I can hear nothing now but my own footfall. Viviers is divided into two parts like many towns, no doubt.

"Listen, Bernard, there's only one thing that will do any good. If you wish that we should be friends as we used to be, that these handshakes that we have exchanged should not be wasted, you must induce my wife to be reconciled to you. Without that it's of no use. When Mademoiselle Afchin shut her door in our faces, you let her do it, didn't you?

"The relief came duly; and in this frame of mind a little sly, but more than three parts triumphant he returned to Ile Lezan and was made welcome as something of a hero. The smell of nets drying and of flowers in the gardens, the faces on the quay, and the handshakes, and the first church-going they all count. But to Lucien these things were for once as little compared with the secret he carried.

There were handshakes for those who were newcomers, and embraces for old friends. Every one knew every one else or was going through the first process of meeting them. The olive-skinned girl in the handsome gown came from her room and passed the others. Each girl was careful to nod and bid her good-evening, but none greeted her effusively or even so much as shook hands with her.

"Monsieur," said the Lieutenant, Count de Bourdon, with another bow and then a quick recovery as he saw that he must take the hand of Buzz, held out to him in great cordiality. These handshakes of America are very confusing to those of Europe.

Anthony had picked up the lease and waved it wildly, found Gloria happily acquiescent, and with one last burst of garrulous decision during which all the men agreed with solemn handshakes that they would come out for a visit ... "Anthony," she cried, "we've signed and sent it!" "What?" "The lease!" "What the devil!" "Oh, Anthony!" There was utter misery in her voice.

Some of the women cried and all the men shook hands cordially and wished us good luck. But it didn't mean much to me. The time I needed their handshakes was gone.