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Some white men and an Eskimo stepped out of the boat, and in the hospitable, kindly manner of the Eskimo Pomiuk's father and Pomiuk and their friends greeted the strangers with handshakes and cheerful laughter, and said "Oksunae" to each as he shook his hand, which is the Eskimo greeting, and means "Be strong."

He paused and added: "Mr. Claude Heath Miss Mansfield." Paul Lane began talking to Charmian when the two handshakes Heath had shaken hands quickly were over. She looked across the room, and saw her mother in conversation with the composer. And she knew immediately that he had conceived a strong liking for her mother.

And then came fresh smiles and handshakes, whilst the eyes of the newly engaged couple caressing, delighted eyes added all that they dared not say aloud in the midst of such a throng. "What!" exclaimed little Madame Desagneaux, "you will go to Berneville on the 15th? But if we stay at Trouville till the 10th, as my husband wishes to do, we will go to see you!"

Once there, Sir Thomas, who was still very much ashamed of his blunder, and at a loss to know what he had better do to make the man whose ancestry dated from the year 1100 forget it, invited him to supper, without waiting for his daughter's consent, and with many fresh apologies and handshakes. Miss Lydia frowned a little, but, after all, she was not sorry to know what a corporal really was.

"We'll be all right," said Bob earnestly. "You can look for a postal from Chicago first, Grandma." Then came the usual hurried good-byes, the kisses and handshakes and the repeated promises to "write soon." Then Bob and Betty found themselves in the sleeper, waving frantically to the little group on the platform as the Limited slowly got under way.

It was disappointing to Sprudell nothing like the Western plays at tragic moments; no long handshakes and heart-breaking speeches of farewell from the "rough diamonds." "S' long," said Uncle Bill. He polished a place on the window-pane with his elbow and watched Burt's struggle with the cold and wind and snow begin. "Pure grit, that feller," when, working like a snowplow, Bruce had disappeared.

Gray went to meet the midnight train from New York at Wallacetown the night before Christmas Eve, and found himself being squeezed half to pieces by the bear hugs of Austin and the hearty handshakes of Mr. Stevens.

He wanted to see things "warm up," as he expressed it. The coach was followed by three carriages, and all deposited their loads at the main building steps and on the campus. There were more cheers and many handshakes. "There he is!" cried Sam, and rushing forward, he caught John Powell by the hand, shook it, and relieved the newcomer of his suit case.

Maggie was swept away amid fervent embraces and handshakes to the other end of the room. Mrs. Marshall saw that Priscilla looked frightened; she took her under her wing, sat down by her on a sofa and began to talk. Prissie answered in a sedate voice. Mrs. Marshall had a very gentle manner. Prissie began to lose her shyness; she almost imagined that she was back again with Aunt Raby.

And then came fresh smiles and handshakes, whilst the eyes of the newly engaged couple caressing, delighted eyes added all that they dared not say aloud in the midst of such a throng. "What!" exclaimed little Madame Desagneaux, "you will go to Berneville on the 15th? But if we stay at Trouville till the 10th, as my husband wishes to do, we will go to see you!"