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Of course, I'm sorry he punched your face." "Damn his soul!" burst out Oldham. "Just let me deal with him my way, instead of yours," repeated Saleratus Bill. "Do so," snarled Oldham; "the sooner the better." "That's all I want to hear," said the gun-man, and touched spurs to his horse. Bob's absence had occasioned some speculation, but no uneasiness, at headquarters.

"Oh, I want to come, all right," interposed Denver hastily, "you know that, without telling. But my partner played out on me before the end of the contest and I had to finish the striking myself. And then I rode hard to get back here, before Dave or some gun-man jumped my claim." "Then to-morrow night," she smiled, "but don't you forget, because if you do I'll never forgive you."

Oldham was not of a temperament to contemplate murder. His nerves were too refined; his training too conventional; his imagination too developed. He, too, resolutely kept his intentions a trifle vague. If Orde persisted, then he must be kidnapped for a time. But Saleratus Bill, professional gun-man, well paid, took his instructions quite brutally.

The real and insistent demands of the situation had been suddenly struck shadowy while his forces adjusted themselves to new possibilities. "Ware's your man," suggested California John. "He's a gun-man, and he's got a nerve like a saw mill man." "Where is Ware?" Thorne asked Amy. "He's over at Fair's shake camp. He will be back to-morrow." "That's settled, then. How about Welton? Is he warned?

"Bud," said the gun-man with a slow, contemptuous drawl, "we hain't ergoin' ter kill this feller leastways not yit. Them's the orders. He hain't ergoin' ter pester us inter hit, but we're goin' ter take him along with us. He hain't got no gun. I reckon you kin put up yours."

It was a peculiar movement in its quickness and inasmuch that while performing it the rider did not swerve in the slightest from a square front to the group before him. "Look!" hoarsely whispered one of Tull's companions. "He packs two black-butted guns low down they're hard to see black akin them black chaps." "A gun-man!" whispered another. "Fellers, careful now about movin' your hands."

He stepped down into the street and went into the bank. Braman fawned on him, smirking insincerely. Corrigan had not apologized for striking the blow, had never mentioned it, continuing his former attitude toward the banker as though nothing had happened. But Braman had not forgiven him. Corrigan wasted no words: "Who's the best gun-man in this section?" Braman studied a minute.

Oldham made a single step forward. At the same moment somewhere above him on the hill a woman screamed. The cry was instantly followed by two revolver shots. Ware was an expert gun-man who had survived the early days of Arizona, New Mexico, and the later ruffianism of the border on Old Mexico. His habit was at all times alert.

"It was just pinned on me a few years ago. I'm not particularly proud of it. I don't even know the rogue who gave me the label. And it means nothing." "Even your enemies are using it, and I understand what it signifies." She bent her eyes upon him for a time. "That is, what it signifies to your friends." "And to my enemies?" "More gossip. They say it's because you're a gun-man and a knife-man.

"About the same, eh?" repeated Murray, flicking his rebellious glass eye, which had a tendency to stare off to one side, "is this a sample of your ore? Well, I will say, it looks promising would you mind if I go into the tunnel?" "Nope," returned Denver; and then, after a moment's pause: "How's that gun-man of yours getting along?" "Oh, Dave? He's all right.