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But as breakfast was not ready, her sudden wish to do something magnificent for America turned into what she called a "before-coffee grouch," and she sat on the porch waiting for the bell, and hoping that the conversational Mr. Schwirtz wouldn't come and converse. It was to his glory that he didn't.

She had showered so many pretty love words on him, she had assured him so often that he was all in the world she wanted, that Freddy was stunned one day to hear that he was to have a papa. "I don' wan' one," said Freddy flatly. "I ain't never had one, an' I ain't got no use for one." Florette looked cross an unusual thing. "Aw, now, Freddy, don't be a grouch," she said.

They all ran back to Snow Camp, catching up with Isadore before he got there with his grouch, and Tom and Bob fell upon the grouch and dumped it into another snowbank boy and all and managed in the scuffle to bring Busy Izzy into a better state of mind. "Just the same," he declared, "I'll get square with those girls for laughing at me you see if I don't!"

You ought to thank the old grouch for calling you up. He put two secret service men on the train with Flynn? Just like Hite. You'll have to admit that it takes a newspaper man to do things." McCall glared at him. Jimmy returned the glare with his most impudent grin, and they returned to their beds. Sunday, the next day, gave Jimmy a chance to rest.

I'll not get a wink of sleep this blessed night unless you do." "In a minute now. Just wait till I finish this..." "Go do it now." Mr. General Public has a card on his desk that says, "Do it Now," and so he lays down his book with a patient sigh, and comes back to it with a patent grouch. "Oh, so it is," says the voice from the bedroom.

Next day young Wilbraham will see for himself why it is that Mr. Blank cannot turn over the trust. That is the only secure and I may say decently honest way out of your trouble." "Mr. Raffles Holmes, you are a genius!" cried Grouch, ecstatically. And then he calmed down again as an unpleasant thought flashed across his mind. "Why is it necessary to put $30,000 additional in the safe, Mr. Holmes?"

"You always were the most wonderful person," beamed Rose, completely at her ease once more, "I used to simply adore you, and I'm beginning to adore you again." "That's because you don't know what a glum old grouch I really am." "You a grouch? Oh, Uncle Martin!" Her merry, infectious laugh left no doubt of how ridiculous such a notion seemed. "Oh, yes; I am." "Nonsense.

He's in some bum shack, pressing pants all day, or stooped over sewing, and having to be polite to any grouch that blows in and jams a dirty stinking old suit in his face and says, 'Here you, fix this, and be blame quick about it. He won't even have enough savvy to get him a big shop.

She had barely time to take up her papers, and make an effort at regaining her composure. Bostwick was coming down the hall. He presently appeared at the door. For a moment there was silence. Van was the first to speak. "How are you, Searle?" he said cheerily. "Got over your grouch?" Bostwick looked him over with ill-concealed loathing.

The weather is very promising, and if we can shoot the outdoor scenes before Christmas we'll be all right." "Well, I do love to travel. Maybe we could get Jennie to go, too," Helen said reflectively. "She certainly would help," laughed Ruth. "I would rather laugh with Jennie than grouch with anybody else." "The wisdom of Mrs. Socrates," scoffed Helen.