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Updated: July 31, 2024

She knew he didn't, but her heart was so sore on the subject of Arthur's absence that she longed to be reassured in some way, and so said what she did. "No, Edith, it is not Mr. Harrington, I mean," and Dr. Griswold's bright eyes fastened themselves upon the trembling girl as if to read her inmost soul, and see how far her feelings were enlisted.

On the ensuing evening a much greater number attended. Altogether the demonstration, in numbers, was a failure. Griswold's Republican Court, page 350. Old New York, or Reminiscences of the past Sixty Years, pages 115-119, inclusive. Hamilton's Works, v. 566. Life of Washington, v. 164.

All these things heaped up evidence for the poor girl; she brooded over each separate item all night, and added to the sum Polly Mariner's gossip, and looked forward to the day when everybody in Greenfield should say, "Lizzy Griswold's had a disapp'intment of John Boynton!"

Look at Griswold's "Female Poets of America," and you are disposed to turn back to the title-page, and see if these utterly forgotten names do not really represent the "female poets" of some other nation. They are forgotten, as most of the more numerous "female prose writers" are forgotten, because they had no root.

Griswold's voice which trembled now, and Arthur's which essayed to comfort him. "I never dreamed of this," he said. "I knew you, with others, had a liking for her, but you relinquished her so willingly, I could not guess you loved her so well," and in his efforts to soothe his friend, Arthur forgot his own sorrow in part.

Night was so near that it had just about closed down when Bruce came fighting his way up the cañon through the drifts to Griswold's side. They wasted no time in words, but between them dragged and carried the unresisting sportsman to the cabin.

"Then I'll come round to the door as quick as I've loaded up," said Mr. Griswold; and Miss Polly settled back in her chair to wait comfortably; a process much intensified by a large piece of Mrs. Griswold's gingerbread and a glass of new cider, both brought her by Lizzy's hospitable hands, readier even than usual just now, in the vain hope of stopping Polly Mariner's clattering tongue.

There is no one to whom I would more readily advance money, or with greater assurance that it will be faithfully repaid in his best, most painstaking work to the last penny!" Dr. Griswold's face took on a look of deep concern. "The more's the pity the more's the pity!" said he. "A good man gone wrong!" Then with a hesitating, somewhat diffident air.

In my opinion the block we hold is worth more to the Duane people than it is to us; I'd let them have it." "Why, we've had that stock for twenty years!" the President said. "Well, we've probably had it long enough," said his subordinate, with a smile. "At least I'd like to have Mr. Griswold's opinion on the point.

Coulter had not recovered his nerve, and the next batter got a safe hit into right field, while Danny Griswold's short legs fairly twinkled as he scudded down to third and then tore up the dust in a mighty effort to get home on a single. Every Yale man was on his feet cheering again, and Danny certainly covered ground in a remarkable manner. Head first he went for the plate.

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