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During this time his attention was divided between the concerns of his estate and the public affairs of that exciting period. Griswold's "Republican Court." Also, Sparks "Writings of Washington," vol. XI, pp. 54, 479. The first session of the Fourth Congress commenced on the 7th of December, 1795.

Had foreign literature been cut off from us, we should have had few writers of poetry, and Mr. Griswold's book had been a valuable duodecimo and not a heavy octavo. Our chief poets are cultivated men. Poetry with us is the recreation of elegant scholars. Mr.

Griswold, she said, after a moment's pause, "I came near forgetting my principal errand here. I could have sent your keys, but I would rather deliver Mr. Griswold's message myself." She expected Arthur to start, but she was not prepared for him to spring from his chair as suddenly as he did. "Mr. Griswold!" he repeated. "Where did you see him? Has HE been here? What did he say?

But neither gingerbread nor cider was a specific to that end: Polly talked while she ate, and ate while she talked. But while she finishes her luncheon, let us make known to the patient reader whom and what the tailoress discusses. John Boynton was a step-cousin of Lizzy Griswold's.

His words of congratulation and good will for his host were more extravagant than those of any of the others and were uttered in a voice as smooth as fluent as oil; while he rubbed his large, fleshy hands together in a manner betokening cordiality. Yet at Rufus Griswold's heart jealousy was gnawing. Heaven had endowed him with mind to recognize genius, yet had denied him its possession.

Frightened as Edith was at Dr. Griswold's manner she could not repress a smile at Nina's mistaken idea. Still she did NOT swear, and all that night he continued talking incoherently of Arthur, of Edith, of Nina, Geneva, Richard Harrington, and a thousand other matters, mingling them together in such a manner that nothing clear or connected could be made of what he said.

She was too intent upon taking the Frolic back to the Griswold's dock without being stove in, for in the homeward rush of the sightseers, there seemed a very good chance of such a disaster.

Griswold's chamber, but the care, the responsibility, should all be Nina's, he said, and with childish alacrity she hastened to her post. It was the first time she had kept the watch alone, but from past experience the physician believed she could be trusted, and he left her without a moment's hesitation.

"She would not go. She seemed to shrink from meeting her former friends; and at last, acting upon Griswold's advice, I placed her in the Asylum, going myself hither and thither like a feather tossed about by the gale.

Griswold's reputation for sagacity in such matters was more than metropolitan. "Well, I move that the Finance Committee be empowered to recommend the sale of any of our securities," said another well-intentioned director. "And that on their recommendation the securities be sold," he added somewhat lamely. "The Finance Committee doesn't need any such resolution passed," said Mr.