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Updated: August 24, 2024

If the words were half nonsense, the feeling was not the less real. Such as they were, they came almost of themselves, and the tune came with them. Rose o' my hert, Open yer leaves to the lampin' mune; Into the curls lat her keek an' dert; She'll tak' the colour but gi'e ye tune.

"So you won't gi'e me a night's shelter, eh?" "No," I answered, greatly annoyed by the fellow's persistence. "An' you don't want to buy nothin' for the young woman a necklace or, say a pair o' garters?" But here, meeting my eye, he shouldered his brooms hastily and moved off. And, after he had gone some dozen yards or so, he paused and turned.

Feyther durn't tell mother for his life as he helped me; her durn't tell him as her helped me. So they mek up their minds to gi'e me a pound a week betwigst the two on 'em, and that's how it comes about with these here cussed reconcilings, as I'm done out o' fifty per cent, o' my income. Look here, Mr. Gold, don't you goo about reconcilin' no more of my relations."

The man bowed civilly and went out to do this errand. In about half an hour he returned, accompanied by a waiter from the "Highlander," bringing the breakfast piled up on a large tray, unfolded the cloth and spread it upon one of the benches and arranged the breakfast upon it. "Did you see my servant?" inquired Lord Vincent of his messenger. "Yes, me laird, and gi'e him your order.

A burial had great interest for the old man. "I'll be home for dinner; it'll gi'e me an appetite," Master Gammon said solemnly, and he marched away in his serious Sunday hat and careful coat, blither than usual. After his departure, Mrs. Sumfit sat and discoursed on deaths and burials, the certain end of all: at least, she corrected herself, the deaths were. The burials were not so certain.

By breakfast time all England, including the murderer, will know I'm in charge of the case. I wish I could muzzle the Press." "'Tis a murder, then? The Lord gi'e us grace. Ye'll be wishin' to tell me?" "Yes. I'm stumped!" "Ye've time for a rest an' a smoke. Put ye're slippers on." "I've no time for that, Mary." She stood up and took the slippers from the hearth.

I sit by my lane, an' smoke my pipe, wi' naebody to gi'e me a sup o' water. Achty-sax is ower auld for a mon, ower auld." These are the sharp contrasts of life one cannot bear to face when one is young and happy.

"Gi'e it to me, then," suggested Joseph, with a feeble gleam. "Sixpence a day," said his lordship, "is really a great waste of money." "It's cruel hard o' me," returned Joseph, betraying a sudden inclination to whimper. "If I was a lord I'd be a lord, I would." "Joseph! Joseph! Joseph!" cried his lordship, sharply. "It's cruel hard," said Joseph, whimpering outright.

"Oh, weel," said Geordie with a show of reluctance, as he rose to his feet, making a noise in his throat, like the exhaust pipe of an engine, "seein' that you are all so pressin' on the maitter, I'll gi'e ye a bit verse or twa." A roar of applause greeted Geordie as he sat down, and words of appreciation broke from everyone in the room. "Dam'd guid, Geordie! Fill up your glass.

"Is it soup, Jean?" says she, and the wench stopped. "Skim the fat off it, then, for I saw a hussy like you gi'e her mistress soup like that and she died." My aunt sat up in her bed, her face very stern when Betty talked of Dan shaming himself and his name. "I will know this," she cried. "I am not ill any more who is the woman?"

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