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"Man, we've just begood." As secretly as they had entered it, they left the Den, and anon three figures were standing in a dark trance, cynically watching the revellers in the square. "If they just kent!" muttered the smallest, who was wearing his jacket outside in to escape observation. "But they little ken!" said Gav Dishart.

But, bless ye, they had but one oar; for they'd thrown a' t' others after me; so yo' may reckon, it were some time afore we could reach t' ship; an' a've heerd tell, a were a precious sight to look on, for my clothes was just hard frozen to me, an' my hair a'most as big a lump o' ice as yon iceberg he was a-telling us on; they rubbed me as missus theere were rubbing t' hams yesterday, and gav' me brandy; an' a've niver getten t' frost out o' my bones for a' their rubbin', and a deal o' brandy as I 'ave ta'en sin'. Talk o' cold! it's little yo' women known o' cold!

When they had drunk Tommy broke his cup against a rock, for he was determined that it should never be used to honor a meaner toast, and the others followed his example, Corp briskly, though the act puzzled him, and Gav with a gloomy look because he knew that the cups would be missed to-morrow. "Is that a' now?" whispered Corp, wiping his forehead with his sleeve. "All!" cried Tommy.

Brother, I am fond of solitude myself, but not that kind of solitude; I like a quiet heath, where I can pitch my house, but I always like to have a gay stirring place not far off, where the women can pen dukkerin, and I myself can sell or buy a horse, if needfulsuch a place as the Chong Gav. I never feel so merry as when there, brother, or on the heath above it, where I taught you Rommany.’

An expressionless face was Tommy's, so that not even the experienced dominie of Glenquharity, covertly scanning his rival's lot, could tell whether he was gloomy or uplifted; he did not seem to be in need of a long sleep like Willie Simpson, nor were his eyes glazed like Gav Dishart's, who carried all the problems of Euclid before him on an invisible blackboard and dared not even wink lest he displaced them, nor did he, like Tod Lindertis, answer questions about his money pocket or where he had stowed his bread and cheese with

"Yes," replied the Gipsy. "You told me that only bad things keep going, and this money has gone all over the country many a time." All men are not like trees. Some must travel, and cannot keep still. "Where did tute chore adovo rani?" putchered the prastramengro. "It's kek rani; it's a pauno rani that I kinned 'dree the gav to del tute."

"The feck of them," he pointed out, "will waur their siller on shows and things to eat, instead of on what we want them to buy." "So they will, the nasty sackets!" cried Corp. "You couldna blame a laddie for buying Teuch and Tasty," continued Gav with triumph, for he was a little jealous of Tommy.

I wor i' bed when th' missis gav me th' letter, and I could tell by her face summat wor wrang. "What is it, lass?" I axed. "What a towd thee it would be," hoo said. "We are ruined." "Thaa never sez so!" I shaated. "It's paper as says so," hoo said, "noan me," and hoo handed me th' lawyer's letter. I tried to get aat o' bed, Mr.

Well, that kind o' thing took place, now an' then, for two or three days, but I kept agate o' never mindin'; till I fund there were some things that I thought could be managed a deal better in a different way; so I gav' th' men notice that I would have 'em altered.

A light, a light! cried he to the maid, quick, quick! at last the maid came with a light, and he went down stairs with her; but when he gav that the stumbling-block he had kicked down was a dead man, he was so frightened, that he invoked Moses, Aaron, Joshua, and Esdras, and all the other prophets of his law. Unhappy man that I am! said he, what induced me to come down without a light?