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'Pre yeck divvus a choro mush had a juckal that used to chore covvas and hakker them to the ker for his mush mass, wongur, horas, and rooys. A rye kinned the juckal, an' kaired boot dusta wongur by sikkerin' the juckal at wellgooras. Where barvelo mushis can kair wongur tacho, chori mushis have to loure.

But as to my kindred, I must tell thee that I am not kinned hereabout, but in a good town hight Utterhay, and that when our alderman sent for me to bring me to thee, I was more than half-minded to get me back thither.

Meek, or rather over-meek, of mien she was, and it seemed of her that she had been sore scared and oppressed one while or another. So when Master Jacobus was gone, Birdalone set her down on the settle beside her, and spake to her full sweetly and kindly, and the woman spake little in turn save answering simply to her questions. Birdalone asked where she was kinned, and she answered: In Utterhay.

"Conceit deceitful, so compact, so kind" kinned natural? The conceit deceitful in the painting, is the imagination that means more than its says. So the words of the speakers in the play, stand for more than the speakers mean. They are Shakspere's in their relation to his whole.

"Yes," replied the Gipsy. "You told me that only bad things keep going, and this money has gone all over the country many a time." All men are not like trees. Some must travel, and cannot keep still. "Where did tute chore adovo rani?" putchered the prastramengro. "It's kek rani; it's a pauno rani that I kinned 'dree the gav to del tute."