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It was a mild evening late in October, and Louisa sat on the porch with her pepper-and-salt shawl on and a black wool "rigolette" tied over her head. Jack, very sulky and unresigned, was dispatched to bed under the care of the one servant, who was provided with a cupful of vinegar, salt, and water, for a gargle.

A little boy was on his knees recently one night, and auntie, staying at the house, was present. "It is a pleasure," she said to him, afterward, "to hear you saying your prayers so well. You speak so earnestly and seriously, and mean what you say, and care about it." "Ah!" he answered, "ah, but, auntie, you should hear me gargle!"

For example, as soon as you step out of your bed, you pour water over your hands, wash your face, gargle your throat, and rub your teeth with a clean finger and rinse your mouth. No one would think of moving out of the room without doing this.

"Vair please to meet you once more." "Queer lingo, ain't it?" muttered old Ding-dong. "All spit and gargle. Comes from eatin all them frogs, I reck'n. Stick in their throats or summat." He raised his voice. "Same to you and many on em," he growled. "I ain't seen that dirty phiz o your'n in the Channel since our little bit of a tiff off the Casquets last May.

"You don't know 'ow to breathe," explained our second floor front to her on one occasion, a kindly young man; "you don't swallow it, you only gargle with it. Take a good draught and shut your mouth; don't be frightened of it; don't let it out again till it's done something: that's what it's 'ere for."

Coke, at any rate, found himself nearer a state of pallid nervousness than ever before in the course of a variegated life. It was impossible that he should actually grow pale, but his brick-red features assumed a purple tint, and his fiery little eyes glinted. "Wot are you a-drivin' at, mister?" he growled at last, after trying vainly to expectorate and compromising the effort in a husky gargle.

When it was all over and they had got outside Jim smacked his lips and said: 'I could do with a gargle; let's go onto thet pub there. 'I'm as dry as bone, said Liza; and so they went. When they got in they discovered they were hungry, and seeing some appetising sausage-rolls, ate of them, and washed them down with a couple of pots of beer; then Jim lit his pipe and they strolled off.

Richardson would have given his "Clarissa," and Rousseau his "Heloïse" to have imagined it. A fresh source of the pathetic bursts out before us, and not a bitter one. If your Germans can show us anything comparable to what I have transcribed, I would almost undergo a year's gargle of their language for it. The story is admirable throughout incomparable, inimitable....

Habitues of the House comprehended that this long, lightning-heeled word signified that if there was no objection, the bill would take the customary course of a measure of its nature, and be referred to the Committee on Benevolent Appropriations, and that it was accordingly so referred. Strangers merely supposed that the Speaker was taking a gargle for some affection of the throat.

Why the coyness?" enquired Jimmy, lying with closed eyes. "Begin!" "I was adjusting my glasses, sir." "All set now?" "Yes, sir. Shall I read the headlines first?" "Read everything." The butler cleared his throat. "Good Heavens, Bayliss," moaned Jimmy, starting, "don't gargle. Have a heart! Go on!" Bayliss began to read. Jimmy opened his eyes, interested. "Am I a sprig of nobility?"