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People like the 'spice-bread, and as that is the only sort my oven will bake, I must keep on in order to make my living." "So rumsellers say, but it ain't a good trade to foller, and I'd chop wood 'fore I'd earn my livin' harmin' my feller man.

"There's one thing it ain't," replied the other, in the same confidential tone. "It ain't no two-by-four campaign. All I got to say to you boys is: 'Foller yer leader' and you'll wear pearl collar-buttons!" "Vote a Republican," interjected Leo Vesschi gutturally. The furtiveness of Mr. Pixley increased. "Well mebbe," he responded, very deliberately.

If he even see a straddle-bug start to go anywheres, he would bet you how long it would take him to get to to wherever he was going to, and if you took him up, he would foller that straddle-bug to Mexico but what he would find out where he was bound for and how long he was on the road. Lots of the boys here has seen that Smiley, and can tell you about him.

"Old Dan'l he pertended ter be sleepin' the sleep er the dead, an' I tell ye he riz mighty keerful, shuck Stuart easy, waked him up an' motioned him ter foller. Talk about sneakin' up on a wild duck er a turkey ole Dan'l done some slick business gettin' away frum that fire! Man, ef they'd rustled a leaf er broke a twig, them savages would a all been up an' on 'em in a minute.

But he held his peace while the girl went steadily on. "I oft-times takes myself ter task fer thet suspicion, because hit don't seem far ter feel thet-a-way an' not know no reason." She looked at him questioningly and very gravely, as one resolved upon a full but difficult confession. "I hain't nuver seed ye foller no reg'lar work. Ye hain't doin' nothin' hyar now but jest hangin' around."

Best use yore six-guns fer this, boys that'll leave ye one hand t' guide yore bosses with, and they're handier all around in close work. Air ye ready? Then come on foller me 'n' come a-whoopin'!" A-whooping they came, up out of the draw and in among the trees as though they had a regiment behind them.

You jest appoint your delegation, wimmen! Don't you hold me to blame for rum bein' here. You foller that man! And if he don't show you where every drop is hid and give it into your hands to spill, I'll I'll " He paused for a threat, cast his eyes about him, and tore down the alligator from the ceiling, seized it by the stiff tail and poised it like a cudgel.

I was so took aback an' amused that I waited to see what would foller an' what he'd got to say that was so partikler but, I say, Archie, them buffalo runners has got the wind o' us, an' are showin' us their heels, I fear." "Never fear," returned the boy, rising in his stirrups and shading his eyes to look ahead.

Wall, as I looked at this young pair, I whispered to Cicely, "2 days." They acted well. Though I see with pain that the bride was tryin' to foller after the groom blindly, and I see she was a layin' up trouble for herself. Amongst other good things, they had a baked chicken for supper; and when the young husband wus asked what part of the fowl he would take, he said, "It was immaterial!"

You get two or three of them splinters, and light 'em, and foller me." We cautiously advanced upon Bruin, torches in one hand and revolvers in the other, but his low, angry growl caused us, even then, to hesitate a moment before venturing further. "Now, you take this 'ere torch, youngster," said Jerry, addressing Ned, "and hold it so you kin see, and then I kin.