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Updated: August 6, 2024

Thet's wot I bin sayin' o' my wife Sadie, her that I actooally got to think kem back to me last night. You see I'd heerd from one o' those fellars that a woman like unto her had been picked up in Texas and brought on yere, and that mebbe she was somewhar in Californy. I was that foolish and that ontrue to her, all the while knowin', as I once told you, Mr.

Slingerland called out to them to have an eye open for Indians on the war-path. "Wal, I don't like the looks of them fellars," he declared. Neale likewise took an unfavorable view of the visit, but Larry scouted the idea of there being any danger in a gang like that. "Shore they'd be afraid of a man," he declared.

"You-all can take it daid straight or not. I don't give a damn. But you've shore got my hunch thet Nez Perce Isbel is liable to handle any of you fellars jest as he did me, an' jest as easy. What's more, he's got Greaves figgered. An' you-all know thet Greaves is as deep in " "Shut up that kind of gab," demanded Jorth, stridently. "An' answer me. Was the row in Greaves's barroom aboot sheep?"

A number of moving figures were perceptible on the upper deck; two smokestacks belched forth a vast quantity of black smoke, sweeping in clouds along the water surface, and a large flag flapped conspicuously against the sky. I stared at the apparition, scarcely comprehending the reality of what I beheld. "Yer bettah stoop down more, sah," Sam urged. "Fer sum o' dem fellars might see yer yit.

Every room I got is full an' runnin' over say, there are fellars over thar in them fool swaller-tail coats; damned if there ain't. If the b'ys ever git sight of 'em on the street there 'll be a hot time. Say, ain' that the limit? Injuns out thar thick as fleas on a dog, an' them swells dancin' here in swaller-tails like this yere was Boston."

No words, now, you've got to stop. Understand? You know as well as I, perhaps better, the character of your so-called inn. You'll get but one more chance." "Wal, kunnel, this is a free country," growled Metzar. "I can't help these fellars comin' here lookin' fer blood. I runs an honest place. The men want to drink an' gamble. What's law here? What can you do?"

Still a lay-off for twenty-four hours, at that stage of the race, was a Godsend, and we received the news with exclamations of pleasure. After dinner we were all sitting and smoking comfortably in front of the hotel when our manager, Merritt, came hurriedly out of the lobby. It struck me that he appeared a little flustered. "Say, you fellars," he said brusquely.

He put up $500 more, then mixed the cards, and I turned the winner. Everybody roared with laughter. Old Jack turned around, looked at the crowd for a moment, then said: "You fellars kin laugh at me just's much as yer like, but I don't 'low no man to back me down." He then told the barkeeper to bring him a dram.

Some one called, but the words died out in the roar of musketry. The flame of carbines seemed in my very face, the crack of revolvers at my ears. Then a hand jerked me back head first into the debris. I staggered to my knees, only to hear Mahoney shout, "They're coomin', lads, they're coomin'! Howly Mary, we've got 'em now!" "Who's coming?" "Our own fellars, sorr!

Spriggins made a flourish with his brawny arm and beckoned to the young men who now were introduced, and received warm congratulations. As cheer upon cheer rose from the crowd Moses became half frantic with enthusiasm. "Tell ye what it is, Mr. Lawson, them's the fellars to scare the half-breeds. Bet your life on't, they'll soon make quick work of the Injuns round Frog Pond and Cut Knife Creek."

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