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He wore his long black coat an' his wide black hat, an' he stood like a stone. "'What the hell! burst out Blaisdell, comin' out of his trance. "The rest of us jest looked. I'd forgot your dad, for the minnit. So had all of us. But we remembered soon enough when we seen him stalk out. Everybody had a hunch then. I called him. Blaisdell begged him to come back. All the fellars; had a say. No use!

Now what I waited here to say is this: I ain't quite forgot I was white once, an' believe you fellars are honest. I'm willin' to go outer my way to help you git away from here." "Go away?" echoed Edwards. "That's it," answered Girty, shouldering his rifle. "But why? We are perfectly harmless; we are only doing good and hurt no one. Why should we go?"

"Fellars," he began jubilantly; "I know where we can hook a banana. And the Ginney's asleep. Come on!" His colleagues looked at him with lack-lustre eyes. "I don't need no bananas," said Morris dispiritedly. "They ain't so awful healthy fer me." "Me too," Nathan agreed. "I et six once und they made me a sickness." "Bananas!" urged Patrick. "Bananas, an' the man asleep!

Two blacks, two browns an' the old Jasper. Some of them big fellars, too. But we missed seein' the boss bar of this canyon. When Old Dan opened up first off I wanted Edd to climb thet bluff. But Edd kept goin' an' we lost our chance. Fer pretty soon we heard a bustin' of the brush. My, but thet bar was rockin' her off.

"Blue," said Blaisdell, "let's get Isbel's body soon as we dare, an' bury it. Reckon we can, right after dark." "Shore," replied Blue. "But y'u fellars figger thet out. I'm thinkin' hard. I've got somethin' on my mind." Jean grew fascinated by the looks and speech and action of the little gunman. Blue, indeed, had something on his mind.