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Owen, with great satisfaction, when she has a distinct grievance about clothes, "I do' know but you've heard it, about old Sergeant Copp an' his wife, that was always quarrellin'. Somebody heard her goin' on one day. Says she, 'I do wish somebody'd give me a lift as fur as Westmarket. I do feel's if I ought to buy me a cap.

He's a dear, friendly little creatur', an' likes to stay with us a good deal, though we feel's if it 't was too cold for him, now we are waitin' to get us more wood." "When I think of the acres o' woodland in this town!" groaned Rebecca Wright. "I believe I'm goin' to preach next Sunday, 'stead o' the minister, an' I'll make the sparks fly.

"We ain't intending to make a late evening of it," announced Betsey, the elder, standing before Mrs. Downs in an expectant, final way, making an irresistible opportunity for saying good-night. "I'm sure we're more than obleeged to ye, ain't we, Hannah? but I don't feel's if we ought to keep ye longer.

"You git the light as long as there is any; and I do like a straw carpet; I don't feel's if I made so much work scatterin' pieces." "Don't you have no concern about pieces," answered Mrs. Topliff, amiably. "I was precious glad to get you right on the sudden so. You see, I counted on my other dress lasting me till winter, and sort of put this by to do at a leisure time.

At length one evening, about six weeks after her return, she said to her sister: "I don't feel's if I'd ever get up again." Ann Eliza turned from the kettle she was placing on the stove. She was startled by the echo the words woke in her own breast. "Don't you talk like that, Evelina! I guess you're on'y tired out and disheartened." "Yes, I'm disheartened," Evelina murmured.

An' she ain't never been out o' sight o' this lake, I do believe." "If ye don't go yourself, you feel's though you had," said Mrs. Petrie, with good nature. "So much bustle around you yes. An' so I tell my daughters. I git enough of it b'fore spring begins."

"If that wa'n't him all over! I couldn't think what to say, except that folks would laugh some, I cal'lated. "'Not at us, they won't, says he. 'We'll clear out till the laughin' is over. Olive, to-morrer mornin' we'll call on Parson Hilton and then take the ten o'clock train. I feel's if a trip to Washin'ton would be about right just now.

Uncle William drew models on the back of an old envelope and explained figures. The artist followed him with eager eyes. Now and then his chest expanded and he drew a deep breath of satisfaction. "Feel's good, don't it?" said Uncle William. "I ust to feel that way when I'd been in debt a good while and made a big ketch. Seemed 's if the whole world slid off my shoulders." He shook his head.

I swan there was looking glasses in every corner big ones, man's size. I remember Cap'n Jonadab hollering to me that night when he was getting ready to turn in: "For the land's sake, Barzilla!" says he, "turn out them lights, will you? I ain't over'n' above bashful, but them looking glasses make me feel's if I was undressing along with all hands and the cook."

Abbie conducted Caroline to her room old-fashioned, like the rest of the house, but cozy, warm, and cheery and, after helping in the removal of her wraps, seized her by both hands and took a long look at her face. "You'll excuse my bein' so familiar on short acquaintance, dearie," she said, "but I've heard so much about you that I feel's if I knew you like own folks.