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Far from repenting, if I had to come ten times to life in order ten times to die by these same torments, I should not hesitate to dedicate my blood and all my powers to an object so sublime. When the hangman stood above him, ready to begin the work of mutilation, he is said to have exclaimed: Mors acerba, fama perpetua, stabit vetus memora facti my death is untimely, my fame eternal, the memory of the deed will last for aye. He was only twenty-two years of age.

Nor is it reputation or glory; only a Frenchman could mean that. Glory is such an uncertain thing, and, if you look at it closely, of so little value. Besides it never corresponds to the effort you have made: Responsura tuo nunquam est par fama labori. Nor, again, is it exactly the pleasure it gives you; for this is almost outweighed by the greatness of the effort.

Upon the same occasion was also sent out Magister John Campanius Holm, who was called by their excellencies the Royal Council and Admiral Claes Flemming, to become the government chaplain, and watch over the Swedish congregation. The ship on which they sailed was called the Fama. It went from Stockholm to Götheborg, and there took in its freight.

And the verses are these hereafter written: "'Theologus Dantes, nullius dogmatis expers, Quod foveat claro philosophia sinu, Gloria musarum, vulgo gratissimus auctor, Hic iacet, et fama pulsat utrumque polum, Qui loca defunctis, gladiis regnumque gemellis, Distribuit, laicis rhetoricisque modis.

Lincoln tells stories The rebels take the offensive European opinion McClellan's army landed Roebuck Halleck Butler's mistakes Hunter recalled Terrible fighting at Manassas Pope cuts his way through Reinforcements slow in coming McClellan reduced in command. Vulgatior fama est, that Mr.

In factis probitas; fuit in sermone venustas, In vultu gravitas, relligione fides, In patriam pietas, in egenos grata voluntas, Accedunt reliquis annumeranda bonis. Si quod cuncta rapit, rapuit non omnia Lethum, Si quod Mors rapuit, vivida fama dedit. "These verses following are writ at length, two by two, in praise of him:

A great deal of gentle, and no violent exercise, is good for you. Adieu. 'Gratia, fama, et valetudo, contingat, abunde! LONDON, October 22, O. S. 1750 MY DEAR FRIEND: This letter will, I am persuaded, find you, and I hope safely, arrived at Montpelier; from whence I trust that Mr. Harte's indisposition will, by being totally removed, allow you to get to Paris before Christmas.

I know that a drop o' the right sort used to be somewhere undher this same roof; but I'm afraid if the fama clamosa be thrue, that the side of the argument I have taken isn't exactly such as to guarantee me a touch at the native that is, taking it for granted that there's any in the house." This request was followed by a short silence.

This is a very comfortable belief, however erroneous. Every nation has many such examples of its own; but this subject would require a treatise by itself. To add one word more to my former discourse, I would advise the ladies no longer to call that honour which is but their duty: "Ut enim consuetudo loquitur, id solum dicitur honestum, quod est populari fama gloriosum;"

"Allora fama e paura di si buono reggimento, passa in ogni terra." "Vita di Cola di Rienzi", lib. i. cap. 21. "Then the fame and the fear of that so good government passed into every land." "Life of Cola di Rienzi". The thread of my story transports us back to Rome.