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Updated: August 21, 2024

A step sounded on the companion ladder, and the skipper came on deck. "Pretty dark, hey?" he said, and his quick eyes took in both Trunnell and myself comprehensively. "Looks like we might have a spell o' weather if the wind keeps fallin'," observed Trunnell.

He's been in love with his teacher, Miss Phoebe, most three years an' 'cep'n' thet I had a sim'lar experience when I was sca'cely out o' the cradle, why, I might 'a' took it mo' serious. That sort o' fallin' in love, why, it comes same ez the measles or the two-year-old teeth, an' th' ain't nothin' sweeter ef it's took philosophical.

"Listen again!" Mellow and sweet came the notes of the Jacobite air a bar of it; and then the faeries began to sing, sending the song back to Sandy like a belated echo: "Ye weave a bonny primrose ring; Ye hear the River callin'; Ye ken the Land whaur faeries sing Whaur starlicht beams are fallin'." "For the love o' Mike!" laughed Sandy. "A'm unco glad a am."

"I ain't s'prised none ef we hev fallin' weather agin 'fore day, an' the man by name Morgan Holden that hev charge o' the hotel property can't git back fur a week an' better." A vague wonder to find himself so suspicious flitted through his mind, with the thought that perhaps the colonel might have reckoned on this delay.

We're not more'n a mile above Quaco Harbor, but we can't fetch it with wind an tide agin us; so we've got to put out some distance an anchor. It's my firm belief that we'll be in Quaco by noon. The next fallin tide will carry us thar as slick as a whistle, an then we can pursue our investigations." The schooner now held on her course for about a mile away from the shore, and then came to anchor.

Pistol is shorely used up, an' crawls out on the flat ground below, as disconsolate a head o' cattle as ever tempts the echoes with his wails. "But Hotspur has no space wherein to sing his vict'ry. Falstaff decends upon him like a fallin' tree. With one rushin' charge, an' a note like thunder, he simply distributes that Hotspur all over the range.

He sat there for a bit an' then he leaned forward, put his hands on the desk, an' stared right in front of him, jes' as if we wa'n't there at all. "'I thought I was fallin', he said gruffly. "We waited a while for him to begin agin, but he jes' sit there, lookin' straight in front of him, an' repeatin' ev'ry minute or two: 'I thought I was fallin'! I thought I was fallin'!"

Try shootin' anything fresh across when she's wrappin' a pound of mixed chocolates and you'll get a quick one back from Mirabelle. Probably a quizzin', twisty smile, too that sends you off kiddin' yourself that you're quite a gay bird when you really cut loose, and where's the harm once in a while? You know the kind. But to think that Vincent should be fallin' for Mirabelle.

P'raps he ain't hurt ez bad ez you think. 'Tain't the hurt, it's this. I on'y thought of it comin' up the ladders. Did yer notice where he fell? He went back down the incline, fallin' with his head a few feet up from the pumps. Know what that means? Harry Hardy'll be found drowned!

Dressed jest like a city girl, by granny! with ruffles on her skirts to ketch afire if she wasn't mighty keerful! and a big straw hat tied down with a veil, and kid gloves on her hands, and her yeller hair kinda fallin' around her face and them yeller eyes snappin' like flames by granny! if she didn't make as purty a picture as I ever want to set eyes on!

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