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"Oh, what is it? What is it?" she gasped. "Tell me quickly! It's better for me to know. It's better for me to know." He put out a narrow, claw-like hand and laid it upon her arm. His eyes were like onyxes, Oriental, quite emotionless. "Do not agitate yourself, madam!" he said. "My patient is better. I think, that with care he may live. That is, if he finds it worth while."

A Petty Officer, with an expression emotionless as that of a traveller in a railway tunnel, sat by the dial manipulating a brass wheel; a few feet away sat a Leading Seaman similarly employed. The eyes of both men were fixed on the hesitating needle as it shivered round. Finally the needle wavered, crept on another inch and paused, trembling.

In his distress he began to hedge, saying: "Of course, she is rather tall and her feet are in some sort of proportion in fact, they are perfectly symmetrical feet " Never in his life had he encountered a pair of such angrily beautiful eyes. Speech stopped with a dry gulp. "We now come to 'General Remarks," she said in a voice made absolutely steady and emotionless.

They pawed over telephone books, argued with indifferent, emotionless profanity among themselves on items of amazing import; pounded nonchalantly upon typewriters, lolled with their feet upon desks, their noses buried in the humorous columns of the morning newspapers.

Neither does the painter who observes human nature closely and represents it with a detailed commentary upon its characteristics usually convey the impression of any subjective emotion. Menzel is no exception to this rule. In his work he appears as emotionless as a machine, but his accomplishment is not mechanical. It is, on the contrary, the record of a busy, highly individualized, accurate mind.

Yet within this odd simulacrum of a worldly, entertaining, and interested gentleman, a living mind surveys the gay scene with a strange, emotionless detachment just so, perhaps, will it eventually survive the body. We are really alive, conscious that we dislike change, nervous when moved and stood up in another place, and intellectually certain that no real harm can come to us.

Colfax sank into a chair, seeing only the blurred lines of a newspaper the girl had thrust into her hand. "What what is it?" she gasped. "I cannot read." "There has been a battle at Wilson's Creek," said Virginia, in an emotionless voice. "General Lyon is killed, for which I suppose we should be thankful. More than seven hundred of the wounded are on their way here.

Who are you to have scruples criminals, both of you? Your place is in the dock, and you shall be there within twenty-four hours if there are any more evasions. Now, Laverick, will you fetch that document? It is your last chance." Upon the breathless silence that followed a quiet voice intervened a voice calm and emotionless, tinged with a measure of polite inquiry.

Between a highly-cultured being, and an emotionless animal, there is all the difference in the world. But of the two, the doctor is nearer the truth. The healthy nature is pretty safe. If he allowed for organization he would be right altogether. To feel, but not to feel to excess, that is the problem." "If I can't have the one I chose, To some fresh maid I will propose,"

She seemed self-contained and emotionless as ever; but if Douglas had not been so entirely absorbed by his thoughts of Paulina, he might have perceived that she looked at him ever and anon with furtive, but searching glances. There was little conversation, little gaiety at that dinner. Douglas was absent-minded and gloomy.