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'And who the bloody 'ell is it cuts 'em? Why, sich b rs as 'Unter and Rushton! If this firm 'adn't cut this job so fine, some other firm would 'ave 'ad it for more money. Rushton's cuttin' it fine didn't MAKE this job, did it? It would 'ave been done just the same if they 'adn't tendered for it at all! The only difference is that we should 'ave been workin' for some other master.

Methinks a French tailor, with an ell in his hand, looks like the enchantress Circe over the companions of Ulysses, and changes them into as many forms.... Something I would indulge to youth; something to age and humor. But what have we to do with these foreign butterflies?

Why, blime me, mite, this here's the worst bleedin' job in the Army; a man digs till the sweat rolls off, and all he gets for it is a bleedin' shilling, and he has to give six-pence of that to the old woman; blime, it doesn't leave ye enough for bacca, and all the fellas think this is a bomb-proof job why, blime, you dig and sweat for days, and Fritz sends along a blinkin' torpedo and fills up the tunnel, and there's all your hard work gone to 'ell, and you with it too if you 'appen to be around," and believe me I found out that most of what he told me was true, and sapping was no bomb-proof job.

Supposing while he was at work a break-up were to take place, and supposing the torrent once having gained an inch were to take an ell, and come pouring bodily through the broken rock! Not one of these dangers was chimerical. They were only too real. But at that moment no fear of falling in of the roof, or even of inundation was capable of stopping us.

Sales is contemplating erecting a new counter in his store; his rival opposite has a new sign; Miss Bumps of Gath is visiting her cousin, Miss Smith of Bozrah; the sheriff has painted his fence; Farmer Brown has lost his cow; the eminent member from Neopolis has put an ell on one end of his mansion, and a mortgage on the other.

At lengthy intervals no sign of the grey figures anywhere met the eye, but the inevitable order to retreat was obeyed grumbling, cursing. "Wot the 'ell are we goin' back again for? There ain't any sign of Jerry." "No, but 'e 'as got through too far to the south." "Yes an' we're moving back north-west now." "Why?" "Dunno. 'E's got round some'ow to the south." An hour or undisturbed quiet.

Trifling, whispering, caressing a tender squeeze of the hand solemnly, passionately earnest! And what next? Who dares warrant that it will not all be repeated before the shadows are an ell long on the shore!" She laughed, a sharp, bitter laugh; but it was a short one. She ceased and turned pale, for her lover's face had undergone a change that terrified her.

To my surprise for he was so cheerful that I thought he had only a scratch I found that his ankle was badly smashed, and that part of his boot and sock had been driven right into the wound. "Yes, it did 'urt a bit when I tried to walk," he said, as I expressed surprise. "That's jest the best part of it. I don't care if it 'urts like 'ell, for it's sure to mean 'Blighty' and comfort for me."

Gypsy was quite conscious of this little despotism, and was enough of a diplomatist to reserve it for rare and important occasions. "We ell," said Tom, slowly; "I don't know as I care, if Hallam doesn't just for once, you understand; you're not to ask me again as long as you live." "There, there!" cried Gypsy, clapping her hands, and jumping up and down. "Tom, you are a cherub a wingless cherub.

Why, even if her Majesty would give you a fat living or appoint you to the imperial council which directs musical affairs in the Netherlands! Pardon me, Sir Wolf! But give people an inch, and they take an ell, and your ever ready obligingness will injure you, for the harder it is to win a thing the higher its value becomes.