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Updated: August 21, 2024

Are you sure you made the sandwiches?" "I'se jest as shuah, Missie Nan, as I am dat I'se standin' heah. I'se jest as shuah as I is dat time when I made de corn cakes, an' somebody tuck dem! Dat's how shuah I is! Dem sandwiches what was fo' de excursnick am done gone completely." "But have you looked everywhere, Dinah?" asked Nan. "Eberywhere! Under de table an' on top ob de table.

Old Jake look eberywhere fo' you, but he find yo'! I knowed I'd find yo' some day, an' now I has, but it's been a pow'ful long time, honey! A long time!" and with outstretched hands, as he took a battered hat from his head, he approached her. Alice screamed and got behind the table.

"Wait I get up, I mash all de ole fly eberywhere," he muttered. Tickle tickle tickle. Slip slap. Pomp's hands delivered a couple of blows on his bare skin. Tickle tickle tickle. "You no like me come mash you, eh?" Tickle tickle tickle. "Yah! You great ugly skeeter, you leave lil nigger go sleep." "Buzz buzz hum." Tickle tickle tickle.

"I want to know what is going forward in the country; and if you cannot inform me, pray say where I can find some one who can, for I see no dwelling-houses hereabouts." "Oh, massa, bad, berry bad. De black slaves great rascals. Dey say dat dey murder all de garrison at Fort Maria, and kill de white buckras eberywhere." "That is indeed bad news," observed Mr Foley, scarcely believing the man.

The excessive agitation of her bonnet told its own tale. The missionary threw Joseph overboard directly, proclaimed a holiday, and rushed out of the school-house. "No use to go home, massa," cried Ebony; "we's sarch eberywhere dar; no find her." "Has you been to the piggery?" demanded the anxious father, who was well aware of his child's fondness for "little squeakers." "Oh, yes; bin dar.

Does I 'spect ye ken do anything fur dem yer? Bress de Lord! He'll help ye, honey! he'll help ye! An' ef it wa'n't de Lord dat put it in yer head Well, chile," Hagar added, "de Lord's eberywhere, an' 'pears to me like as ef it was his doin'. What ye t'ink, honey?" Noll was looking in the rosy bed of coals, and for a few minutes made no reply; then he said, in answer to Hagar's question,

Dan had overheard the doctor's story and now exclaimed: "No, sah. Massa Vincent de kindest ob masters. If all like him, de slaves eberywhere contented and happy. What was de name of dat man, sah, you was speaking of?" "His name was Jackson," the doctor answered. "I tought so," Dan exclaimed in excitement.

The thin-framed swarthy Arab, with the flashing eyes and glistening teeth, quivered with the intensity of his recollection. "My beauty pearl. My beeg white pearl. My pearl of snow-white," he murmured as in a dreamy reverie he subdued the light of his great black eyes. "But you never saw snow. How can you talk about a snow-white pearl?" "Mister, I bin steward boy on beeg steamer. I been eberywhere.

"Such misery, too!" said Noll. "Well, dar's mis'ry eberywhere!" said Hagar; "can't go nowhere but what ye'll find it. Yer Uncle Dick has had mis'ry 'nough in his day, but 'tain't done him no good 'tall. Jes' froze his heart up harder'n a stone." "It isn't all stone," said Noll. "Don' ye t'ink so?

"'Now, sais missus, 'Sorrow, it's werry genteel to travel wid one's own cook; but it is werry ongenteel when de cook can't do nuffin' super-superior; for bad cooks is plenty eberywhere widout travellin' wid 'em. It brings disgrace. "'Exactly, Missus, sais I, 'when you and me was up to de president's plantation, his cook was makin' plum pudden, he was.

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