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The Chink had learned to make 'em all in 'Frisco. "That meal set me back $34.75. When I went out I noticed the plain sponge cakes and fruit cakes and dried-apple pies things that had been out of my reach fur twenty years, and My! but they did look common and unappetisin'. I kind of shivered at the sight of 'em. "I ordered another one of the big cakes and two more lemon pies fur the next day.

I can't go out of my room to spoil my digestion with your cussed dried-apple pie, but what I'm robbed! "'Robbed! the three of us gurgles in chorus. "'Yes, sir! Robbed! Robbed! ROBBED! What do you think I came here for? And why do I stay here all this time? 'Cause I LIKE it? 'Cause I can't afford a better place? No, sir! By the great horn spoon!

Besides, she always went about seeking whom she might devour; she wore little spit-curls all over her sallow, wrinkled forehead, had a hooked nose, a long, sharp chin, a dried-apple mouth, and two fiercely bright eyes, that looked clear through you, and plainly indicated that she thought you all wrong, and at fault.

Windy interrupted his own music for further refreshment, pausing an instant, with his mouth full of dried-apple pie to say: "Congress has sent out a relief expedition to Dawson." "No!" "Fact! Reindeer." "Ye mean peacocks." "Mean reindeer! It's all in the last paper come over the Pass. A Reindeer Relief Expedition to save them poor starvin' Klondykers." "Haw, haw! Good old Congress!"

The proprietress, a square-built woman, solid as a sack of salt, her waist-line marked by a string tightened just above a black alpaca apron, her dried-apple face surmounted by a dingy lace cap topped with a soiled red ribbon, eyed him cautiously, and remarked, after loosening out the mantilla: "Dem teater gurls only vant such tings, and dey can pay nuddin'. No, I vouldn't even gif fife tollars.

"Taporo e taata au ahu" said Atupu. "The lime and the tailor," that means, and identified Landers and Schlyter. Landers was the "lime" because a former partner of his establishment exported limes, and Landers succeeded to his nickname. Landers and Schlyter were good customers, so they got larger slices of dried-apple pie.

That's none of HIS business, either, or anybody else's." The head of the parish committee stalked into the study and the door closed behind him. A rumble of voices in animated conversation succeeded. Mrs. Coffin went out into the kitchen and resumed her business of making a dried-apple pie. There was a hot fire in the stove and she opened the back door to let in the fresh air.

And you swum three hours on an empty stomach?" "Not altogether. Part of it on my back. But, if you'll excuse familiarity on short acquaintance, those things you're cooking smell good to me." "Them's clam fritters, and, if YOU'LL excuse my sayin' so that shouldn't, they ARE good. Set down and fill up." The visitor ate nine of the fritters, a slice of dried-apple pie, and drank two cups of coffee.

They've got a couple o' citizens down there in the brush and I believe are goin' to hang 'em." Si and Shorty ran down in the direction indicated. They found the boys, stern-eyed and resolute, surrounding two weak-eyed, trembling "crackers," who had apparently come to the train with baskets of leathery-crusted dried-apple pies for sale.

I'd rather eat sand down here than the finest mug my steward can cook. Tell you what I'll do, though; I'll swear off on the cranberries if you'll give me a four-inch slice of that pie I saw you put in the oven. Dried-apple, I'll bet my sou'wester. Think you might ask a feller to sit down. Ain't you glad to see me?" Mrs. Coffin pulled forward one of the kitchen chairs.