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After that, shutting the bedroom door, he helped himself to a slice of bread and some dried-apple sauce. His manner said that a great fuss was being made in the kitchen over nothing. It was Cis who spoke next when Mrs. Kukor, leaving Johnnie for a little, came to bring the girl a drink, and bathe her face. "I'm never going to lie down in this place again, Mrs. Kukor," she declared.

We scowled at it, and stuck out our mouths at it, and shrieked at it, and bawled at it, and did the very best we knew to give an imitation of two hundred little pigs all grabbed by the hind leg at once. That was what made folks call it a concert. There were addresses to the dear children by persons that teetered on their toes and dimpled their cheeks in dried-apple smiles as us.

A frivolous little self-important captain of a coasting-sloop in the dried-apple and kitchen-furniture trade was always hailing every vessel that came in sight, just to hear himself talk and air his small grandeurs.

I mind me I made a great baking that week; and I put brandy into the mince for once, instead of vinegar and dried-apple juice, and there were the fowls stuffed and trussed on the shelf, and the pumpkin-pies like slices of split gold, and the cranberry-tarts, plats of crimson and puffs of snow, and I was brewing in my mind a right-royal red Indian-pudding to come out of the oven smoking hot and be soused with thick clots of yellow cream, when one of the boys ran in and told us the fleet'd got back, but no Dan with it, he'd changed over to a fore-and-after, and wouldn't be home at all, but was to stay down in the Georges all winter, and he'd sent us word.

The population consisted of a few whites, a number of Chinese railway labourers, an occasional straggling miner, native, or cattleman, and last but not least, at the small railway-station eating-house, honoured by the patronage of emigrant-trains, his highness Ah Chug, the cook, whose dried-apple pies, at twenty-five cents apiece, I have never ceased to enjoy, for they were the ladder by which I was able to descend from a home table to the camp fare of bacon and beans.

Dax was almost an exact replica of the other, even to the apologetic crook in the knees and a certain furtive way of glancing over the shoulder as if anticipating missiles. "Pshaw now, ladies! why didn’t you let me know that you was coming? and I’d have tidied up the place and organized a few dried-apple pies."

Tanner stepped aghast as she was cutting a piece of dried-apple pie for Margaret. "Now, Buddie mother's boy you don't mean to tell me you went to Ouida's Cabin? Why, sonnie, that's an awful place! Don't you know your pa told you he'd whip you if you ever went on that trail?" "I should worry, Ma! I had to go. They had Mr. Gardley tied up there, and we had to go and get him rescued."

These first favorable impressions of my uncle's family were confirmed when I discovered that for supper we had hot biscuit and dried beef warmed up in cream gravy, a diet which, with all due respect to grandmother, I considered much more desirable than dry bread and dried-apple sauce. Aha, old Crusoe!

"After putting in a week proving I wasn't a revenue officer, I went over to the store where the rude fourflushers of the hamlet lied, to see if I could get a line on the kind of man I wanted. "'Gentlemen, says I, after we had rubbed noses and gathered 'round the dried-apple barrel.

"Them's the currants we had for supper the night before last, and that's the dried-apple sauce we had for supper last night," he announced accurately. "An' ye know how I like a proper pie." "I ain't goin' to waste good victuals," said his wife, with decision. There was silence for a moment; Solomon did not dare make any further protest.